You answering this question correctly and honestly tells me that you recognize that as humans, we NATURALLY gravitate towards people that look like us (skin color) and come from similar backgrounds. Im going to attempt to explain this as simply as possibly. Lets use NFL quarterbacks as our example: black kids dont see THEMSELVES in Brady & Manning. White kids do. White kids dont see THEMSELVES in Cam Newton & RG3, black kids do. Just like young Asian and Chinese kids see themselves in Yao Ming & Lin, your average white kid sees HIMSELF more in a player like Steve Nash, Kevin Love or J.J Redikk. Which brings us to rap, which is dominated mainly by people of color right? Young black youth are more influenced by hiphop than your average suburban white kid simply because they see THEMSELVES in these rappers who come from the same environment and conditions as alot of these rappers. Rappers like Meek Mill, T.I, Jeezy, Lil Wayne, Young Thug, Bobby SchMURDA, and i could keep going, came from the exact same environments as alot of black youth. They RELATE to these rappers on an EMOTIONAL level. Little Billy from suburbia,USA does not relate on that level. Little Billy can truly view it as "just entertainment". Hell, we even see it here on the coli when Eminem is brought up. Cats STAY saying "blacks dont relate to Eminem". But guess who DOES relate more to Eminem: White people. That alone proves my point. To answer your question, its not about white kids being smarter than black kids. Its simply about HUMAN NATURE to want to gravite and look up to people that look like YOU. Im sure that every young, black aspiring tennis player idolizes Venus & Serena. You know why? Not because they are actually great players, but because they share the same skintone. That comes first. Im not sure what "proof" you would like me to present, im just giving u the "common sense" answer. Do with it what u please. Consider it or dismiss it but thats my 2cents. Your probably hellbent on defending this filth known as modern-day hiphop so im sure you're gonna throw all logic and common sense out the window in your counter post to dismiss everything i said. Im out. Peace.