1. Me and Your Mama (flames crowd jammed)
2. Have Some Love(song was ok, crowd just listened.)
3. Boogieman(2 songs in one, crowd jammed during the breakdowns)
4. Zombies(crowd listened but that whole place was jammin)
5. Riot(crowd listened, probably the worst song on the album)
6. Redbone(flames. Crowd vibed hard to this )
7. California( flames. Crowd went crazy. The graphics on the dome had us feeling like we were cruising through an alien planets jungle or rainforest. Super dope. This is also the song with the singin raps)
8. Terrified(dope. The crowd just vibed)
9. Baby Boy(one of my favorite songs on the album. Real nice vibe to it. Crowd vibed heavy)
10. The Night Me and Your Mama Met(the other song I didn't like. Crowd seemed to not enjoy it either. There's a switch at the end also )
11. Stand Tall(Dope outro. Crowd vibed)
Overall loved what I liked n really didn't care for what I didn't like. If anybody went to the concert they'll definitely love the album. The experience was great