Slasha Wanks
Nia Fats
Harlotte Tear
Young Cucks
Bacon Borebin
Jim Cornetto
Jim Loss
Chavo Gringo Jr
Christian Beige
Tommy Wanker
A Lister Wack
Roderick Weak
No Way The Ho Say
Triple Gayetch
Slob Holly
Less Luger
Butt Lesnar
The Whose Hoes
Hul CaCgen
The Great Puta
Biatch Biatch Bagelhoe
Shinzuke Crackamura
Yawn Cena
Hoeta IntheBush-i
The British Bullshiet
Chris Benoit
WrestleMania 2000 and No Mercy were the GOATS for letting you change the wrestler names. My brother was 15 when it dropped and gave everybody the stupid juvenile names. The Cock, Y2Gay, Big Slow, Big Red Retard, etc.
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