Destructoid - 9.5/10
Not only is Gamepass filled with fun games, and not only did it speak to me on a profound level, it also made me want to be a better me. I’m not exaggerating nor using hyperbole, it’s a well-built experience with a tremendous amount of heart. It wants you to be you, and it wants you to know that the best you can do is always good enough.
Wccftech - 8.5/10
Gamepass is an ambitious, absorbing, and creative service with Zelda-style adventure games with some meaningful, heartfelt things to say about the creative process, self-doubt, and other big issues. Gamepass isn’t perfect – its better and more versatile than anything else in the market perhaps, but it’s still very much worth adding to your games collection.
IGN - 9/10
Gamepass is a pristine little adventure with fun puzzles, a surprisingly rich paint mechanic, and a story that's disarmingly real, difficult, and heartfelt.
Fanbyte - Unscored
The feelings that GAMEPASS evokes within me aren’t tangible. My love for it has no proper starting point. It also has no endpoint. I want the game to remain that way, too, so I’ve purposely left a few areas untouched. I want it to keep being a work in progress, just like me. On the canvas representing my love for games, I have no clue how many more brush strokes I will add and what colors or forms will take shape. I just know the picture I’ve painted is one that I’ll always carry with me.
Siliconera - 9/10
Indie games generally hang their hats on one great idea. A compelling, original narrative? An aesthetic that you haven’t seen anywhere else? A unique game mechanic around which the rest of the game builds? GAMEPASS has all three.
TheWashingtonPost - 9.5/10
Playing “GAMEPASS” feels like a kind act of self-care in a brutal time. It reminds players to slow down, enjoy the finer things in life, take care of the community, but also, just do you.