I mean how much more obvious does the gameplan have to be.
None of them look disheveled or like they are on the verge of starvation. These are supposedly people who are fleeing economic persecution and yet they all have fresh clothes and high priced haircuts, gold chains, ad vehicles. They are intentionally being brought here.
A little piece of news most people have no idea about was the largest American manufacturer of ammo was bought out by a Czech guy. In other words, the government is bringing in their new domestic army and a lot of folks are buying into this notion of giving up their guns. What do you think will happen when a bunch of people from 3rd world countries or who knows where else that are often filled with violence are let into the country with zero vetting? Chaos. What happens when you have zero means to protect yourself? That's right, you're going to beg the government for a 'solution' and now you will have to do anything they say or face chaos.
I've been telling people to accept Jesus as savior for a long time. Can't really say much else. They are using this immigration amongst other things to bring forth the chaos needed to unveil the antiChrist. If you want to be left behind to face the madness, well, not much else I can tell you.