
Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
The west needs to wake up and ship these people byke. If we were to go to their country try working or staying their longer than your visa. Or even entering their country without a visa.
They would throw us in a dirt floor cell and laugh at us if we tried that shyt

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Bruh I hate politicians

They are not for the people

Who is this shyt for?

I wish they'd be honest about it

Do nOt be fooled.
by this cluck mouth teary eyed nikka on fox.

First thing out his mouth after seeing should be to say...why are we taking on problems. Like we have solutions or resources. When we have not created any real solution for our own problems for our own citizens.

Art Barr

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022

Mayor of Chicago blaming foreign policy, national policy, and even sanctions against Venezuela as the reason for migrants surging.

Who is in control of this policy? Is it Trump or Biden :jbhmm:

@At30wecashout is it ok for Brandon Johnson to lay blame at the feet of the fed or no? He should be blaming Texas for it all to right?


Sep 2, 2014

Don’t be popping shyt in other threads about posters in here. You want to educate us? I’m all for it, but you’re wrong and your hatred for Republicans have you blind to facts.

Get in here so I can school you or stop using us for rep.
:why:Bruh you are a weirdo, and there are a lot of opinionated people in here spitting half truths from...not Chicago. Quote what I said that started this lil tantrum and lets get to the nitty gritty. Also, why should I not dislike, or hate as you say, a party thats full of not suspected but confirmed white supremacists?

Mayor of Chicago blaming foreign policy, national policy, and even sanctions against Venezuela as the reason for migrants surging.

Who is in control of this policy? Is it Trump or Biden :jbhmm:

@At30wecashout is it ok for Brandon Johnson to lay blame at the feet of the fed or no? He should be blaming Texas for it all to right?

1. Yes, foreign policy is part of it. Since Nicholas Maduro got into power in 2013 as VP/President, USA didn't really rock with him and recognized the National Assembly, who's President is second to Maduro, as the democratically elected governing party of Venezuela. They beefed with him right away, pretty much.

The United States recognizes the 2015 democratically elected Venezuelan National Assembly as the only legitimate branch of the Government of Venezuela. The United States and the 2015 National Assembly collaborate closely to achieve the goal of a peaceful restoration of democracy via free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections.
The United States supports the Venezuelan people in their desire for a peaceful restoration of democracy through free and fair elections and will continue to support Venezuela’s democratic opposition. We continue to call on Nicolás Maduro to make meaningful progress in the negotiations in Mexico with the Unitary Platform focused on the 2024 elections.......
The United States also supports efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Venezuelan people and bring the humanitarian crises in Venezuela to an end through international cooperation. Since 2017, the United States has provided more than $2.3 billion in humanitarian assistance both inside Venezuela and to Venezuelans forced to flee throughout the region. The Maduro regime’s pattern of political repression and rampant human rights abuses, as well as severe restrictions on political and civil society actors and freedom of expression, have robbed the Venezuelan people of democratic self-determination. We support the efforts of the Unitary Platform and other actors to establish democratic order and rule of law in Venezuela.
TL:DR Maduro is a fukkup and the USA been peacing him out since nearly day one. Their country started falling apart and Venezualans contrary to popular belief have scattered all over North America, not just the United States, but they are now on our heads because Title 42 ended, which bleeds into National Policy.

2. For national policy, immigation and asylum reform (different things) has not been taken seriously by any administration and by extension congressional body in decades. Title 42 basically allowed in a health emergency to detain anyone who crosses the border and summarily bounce them while there is a national emergency which Covid was. Title 42 is a provision of the 1944 Public Health and Services law.

This power, which is similar to the familiar quarantine authority of State and local health officers, will not at present be exercised with respect to diseases other than the venereal diseases; but it furnishes a potentially important weapon against new infections which may be brought into the United States in the post-war period. T he act continues the authority of the President to curtail or suspend immigration and importation from places in foreign countries where there may be serious epidemics; in conformity with the general administrative pattern of the act, however, t he authority is placed in the Surgeon General, to be exercised under Presidential regulations.
Long story short, Trump was booting millions of people for any and all reasons under that provision and the practice ended in May of this year. From there, we went back to Title 8 which has due process and allows folks to come to the USA and be processed for their asylum claims. If deemed invalid, they too get the boot, but they at least get processed. They are being processed in Texas...and being sent to Chicago. They are here legally. Unfortunately, while we talk about "who runs the feds", they need law reforms to deal with this issue, and laws are only signed by the President, as they have to originate in Congress. Until congress gets right, the President has to operate according to laws as it is.

3. Venezuelan sanctions are also a part of why it is falling apart, outside of corruption. We were not able to deport Venezuelans due to not having an agreement with them until recently, as countries don't just get people dropped off at airports. There is a formal process countries have to agree to, and lifting some sanctions allowed us to resume deportations. Since we are Republican friendly, I will even just use a Fox News source:

Venezuelan officials agree to accept the return of immigrants entering the US illegally​

In exchange for sanctions lifting and a "promise" to return to democratic elections in 2024, so deportations have been going on since October.

The number of Venezuelans crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally dropped dramatically in October, when the Biden administration started deporting some migrants directly to crisis-stricken Venezuela, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data published Tuesday.

Border Patrol agents apprehended 29,637 migrants from Venezuela who entered the U.S. without authorization last month, a 46% drop from September, when unlawful crossings by Venezuelans soared to 54,833, a monthly record high.

So slowly but surely, that part is working out.

So as for who is in control of the policy, what policy are you talking about? Yes, blame the Federal Government (Executive and Legislative, though primarily the latter) for this issue. They need to reform asylum and immigration law, especially as countries are going to be going through it with climate change crushing the buildings. And as for blaming Texas: did Venezuelans cross the border of Mexico into Chicago?

No, the crossed into a border state, Texas, that receives federal funding and has detention centers in its state, 21 in fact, while Illinois has none

Migrants may have a choice where to go, but some have reported they were mislead about where they were going, so its a mixed bag, but these lawfully processed asylum seekers are being sent around as a political tool,

Because DHS has no plan for addressing the anticipated surge of illegal immigrants when Title 42 expulsions end, and because DHS is expected to release large groups of migrants into Texas communities, Governor Abbott has directed TDEM to charter buses and flights to transport migrants who have been processed and released from federal custody to Washington, D.C. To board a bus or flight, a migrant must volunteer to be transported and show documentation from DHS. Mayors and county judges can notify TDEM of any DHS-facilitated drop-off of migrants in their communities so that the agency can provide appropriate transportation.
Right from his website. So yes, the migrant crisis is a federal issue. The fact that they are in Chicago is a Texas Republican Governor issue. Texas is 1116 miles from Chicago. They were sent here.

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
:why:Bruh you are a weirdo, and there are a lot of opinionated people in here spitting half truths from...not Chicago. Quote what I said that started this lil tantrum and lets get to the nitty gritty. Also, why should I not dislike, or hate as you say, a party thats full of not suspected but confirmed white supremacists?

1. Yes, foreign policy is part of it. Since Nicholas Maduro got into power in 2013 as VP/President, USA didn't really rock with him and recognized the National Assembly, who's President is second to Maduro, as the democratically elected governing party of Venezuela. They beefed with him right away, pretty much.

TL:DR Maduro is a fukkup and the USA been peacing him out since nearly day one. Their country started falling apart and Venezualans contrary to popular belief have scattered all over North America, not just the United States, but they are now on our heads because Title 42 ended, which bleeds into National Policy.

2. For national policy, immigation and asylum reform (different things) has not been taken seriously by any administration and by extension congressional body in decades. Title 42 basically allowed in a health emergency to detain anyone who crosses the border and summarily bounce them while there is a national emergency which Covid was. Title 42 is a provision of the 1944 Public Health and Services law.

Long story short, Trump was booting millions of people for any and all reasons under that provision and the practice ended in May of this year. From there, we went back to Title 8 which has due process and allows folks to come to the USA and be processed for their asylum claims. If deemed invalid, they too get the boot, but they at least get processed. They are being processed in Texas...and being sent to Chicago. They are here legally. Unfortunately, while we talk about "who runs the feds", they need law reforms to deal with this issue, and laws are only signed by the President, as they have to originate in Congress. Until congress gets right, the President has to operate according to laws as it is.

3. Venezuelan sanctions are also a part of why it is falling apart, outside of corruption. We were not able to deport Venezuelans due to not having an agreement with them until recently, as countries don't just get people dropped off at airports. There is a formal process countries have to agree to, and lifting some sanctions allowed us to resume deportations. Since we are Republican friendly, I will even just use a Fox News source:

In exchange for sanctions lifting and a "promise" to return to democratic elections in 2024, so deportations have been going on since October.

So slowly but surely, that part is working out.

So as for who is in control of the policy, what policy are you talking about? Yes, blame the Federal Government (Executive and Legislative, though primarily the latter) for this issue. They need to reform asylum and immigration law, especially as countries are going to be going through it with climate change crushing the buildings. And as for blaming Texas: did Venezuelans cross the border of Mexico into Chicago?

No, the crossed into a border state, Texas, that receives federal funding and has detention centers in its state, 21 in fact, while Illinois has none

Migrants may have a choice where to go, but some have reported they were mislead about where they were going, so its a mixed bag, but these lawfully processed asylum seekers are being sent around as a political tool,

Right from his website. So yes, the migrant crisis is a federal issue. The fact that they are in Chicago is a Texas Republican Governor issue. Texas is 1116 miles from Chicago. They were sent here.

Is Brandon Johnson allowed to blame the federal government or not?


Sep 2, 2014
Is Brandon Johnson allowed to blame the federal government or not?
So as for who is in control of the policy, what policy are you talking about? Yes, blame the Federal Government (Executive and Legislative, though primarily the latter) for this issue. They need to reform asylum and immigration law, especially as countries are going to be going through it with climate change crushing the buildings. And as for blaming Texas: did Venezuelans cross the border of Mexico into Chicago?

So yes, the migrant crisis is a federal issue. The fact that they are in Chicago is a Texas Republican Governor issue. Texas is 1116 miles from Chicago. They were sent here.
Yes, he is. What are we asking this for?


May 17, 2012
the internet
Yes, he is. What are we asking this for?
no he's not
The Biden admin would be on his ass (see whats going on in NYC)

Johnson ran on this issue and said he would welcome these folks.
The problem is black folks blindly vote blue and dont realize what they're voting for.

Johnson/Biden admin thought black folks would go along with everything but are now caught off guard.

its not an Republican issue...
its made that way because Democrats have been able to play the "if you dont accept them youre racist" game because all the border states are run by Republicans.

but even Democratic mayors of border states are sending them up here



Sep 2, 2014
no he's not
The Biden admin would be on his ass (see whats going on in NYC)

Johnson ran on this issue and said he would welcome these folks.
The problem is black folks blindly vote blue and dont realize what they're voting for.

Johnson/Biden admin thought black folks would go along with everything but are now caught off guard.

its not an Republican issue...
its made that way because Democrats have been able to play the "if you dont accept them youre racist" game because all the border states are run by Republicans.

but even Democratic mayors of border states are sending them up here

You didn't read Richard's comment. He asked if he was allowed to criticize the Fed. I said he is.

He has the right to welcome those folks, as they were being sent here before he hit office anyway. Problem is nobody had a plan for when the busses never stopped. Now he is doing the right thing and appealing to the federal government for funding. As long as America provides asylum, wherever the people go, there should be funding to make sure we not just dumping folks and messing cities up. The problem is not blindly voting, my guy, as he ran on more than just migrants and to reduce it to that is being disingenuous at best and insulting to the black populace at worst.

What does Biden and Johnson specifically have to do with this issue? At least with Johnson, we know he had no plan hence the half-measures of dozens of folks being positioned at police stations and potentially hundreds at the airport. Biden is just operating within the law which has needed to be addressed since the 80's. Congress can change that but....

The migrants being IN CHICAGO is a Republican issue, as it is literally the governor of Texas and a few organizations sending them to specific cities for political reasons. Them being in the USA is a bipartisan issue. We need to argue with facts. They sat on this shyt for decades, both sides, because they have used patchwork solutions at various times. Again, bipartisan:

Article I, Section 8, Clause 18:

[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Long-standing Supreme Court precedent recognizes Congress as having plenary power over immigration, giving it almost complete authority to decide whether foreign nationals (aliens, under governing statutes and case law) may enter or remain in the United States.1 But while Congress’s power over immigration is well established, defining its constitutional underpinnings is more difficult. The Constitution does not mention immigration, but parts of the Constitution address related subjects. The Supreme Court has sometimes relied upon Congress’s powers over naturalization (the term and conditions in which an alien becomes a U.S. citizen),2 foreign commerce,3 and, to a lesser extent, upon the Executive Branch’s implied Article II foreign affairs power,4 as sources of federal immigration power.5 While these powers continue to be cited as supporting the immigration power, since the late nineteenth century, the Supreme Court has described the power as flowing from the Constitution’s establishment of a federal government.6 The United States government possesses all the powers incident to a sovereign, including unqualified authority over the Nation’s borders and the ability to determine whether foreign nationals may come within its territory.7 The Supreme Court has generally assigned the constitutional power to regulate immigration to Congress, with executive authority mainly derived from congressional delegations of authority.8

In exercising its power over immigration, Congress can make laws concerning aliens that would be unconstitutional if applied to citizens.9 The Supreme Court has interpreted that power to apply with most force to the admission and exclusion of nonresident aliens abroad seeking to enter the United States.10 The Court has further upheld laws excluding aliens from entry on the basis of ethnicity,11 gender and legitimacy,12 and political belief.13 It has also upheld an Executive Branch exclusion policy, premised on a broad statutory delegation of authority, that some evidence suggested was motivated by religious animus.14 But the immigration power has proven less than absolute when directed at aliens already physically present within the United States.15 Even so, the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence reflects that Congress retains broad power to regulate immigration and that the Court will accord substantial deference to the government’s immigration policies, particularly those that implicate matters of national security.

Remember DACA? That was an Obama executive order that was recently killed as it was ruled unlawful

On September 13, 2023, a Federal District Court in Texas issued a ruling in Texas v. United States declaring that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) rule is unlawful. It is important to note that while this judge once again found DACA to be unlawful, the decision does not change the current status of who is eligible to apply. This Community Alert walks through the details, as of September 18, 2023.

Even Trump put many executive orders in place and undid some/most of Obamas, just as Biden has undone some of Trumps. Executive orders carry President to President. Drawing up an actual law is on Congress, otherwise you get a sensible policy one term that gets undone the next. A law is much harder to willy-nilly circumvent. I'm not sure what the video link was for, but of course John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, publicly acts like its something Biden can just wave his hand at. Anything the President does in terms of executive orders are a court challenge away from going poof. People who have a problem with this need to contact their congressional representative and raise hell.


May 17, 2012
the internet
You didn't read Richard's comment. He asked if he was allowed to criticize the Fed. I said he is.

He has the right to welcome those folks, as they were being sent here before he hit office anyway. Problem is nobody had a plan for when the busses never stopped. Now he is doing the right thing and appealing to the federal government for funding. As long as America provides asylum, wherever the people go, there should be funding to make sure we not just dumping folks and messing cities up. The problem is not blindly voting, my guy, as he ran on more than just migrants and to reduce it to that is being disingenuous at best and insulting to the black populace at worst.

What does Biden and Johnson specifically have to do with this issue? At least with Johnson, we know he had no plan hence the half-measures of dozens of folks being positioned at police stations and potentially hundreds at the airport. Biden is just operating within the law which has needed to be addressed since the 80's. Congress can change that but....

The migrants being IN CHICAGO is a Republican issue, as it is literally the governor of Texas and a few organizations sending them to specific cities for political reasons. Them being in the USA is a bipartisan issue. We need to argue with facts. They sat on this shyt for decades, both sides, because they have used patchwork solutions at various times. Again, bipartisan:

Remember DACA? That was an Obama executive order that was recently killed as it was ruled unlawful

Even Trump put many executive orders in place and undid some/most of Obamas, just as Biden has undone some of Trumps. Executive orders carry President to President. Drawing up an actual law is on Congress, otherwise you get a sensible policy one term that gets undone the next. A law is much harder to willy-nilly circumvent. I'm not sure what the video link was for, but of course John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, publicly acts like its something Biden can just wave his hand at. Anything the President does in terms of executive orders are a court challenge away from going poof. People who have a problem with this need to contact their congressional representative and raise hell.
the point is dems have not wanted to deal with this issue for decades.

and to make matters worse a large contingent of Dems basically want open borders.

its only now only an issue because they are in Dem cities and the people arent happy.

It doesnt matter if Lightfoot gave those folks the green light...
Johnson would have done the same because they are playing along with what the Democratic party wants.

youre framing what the border states are doing as a "stunt" but they are jam packed with people...
and again Dems have not wanted to deal with it...
I guess you could call that a Democrat stunt.

We've had all these years to figure out what to do with these people and when they come to NYC/Chicago nobody can get an answer!?
Last edited:


Sep 2, 2014
the point is dems have not wanted to deal with this issue for decades.

and to make matters worse a large contingent of Dems basically want open borders.

its only now only an issue because they are in Dem cities and the people arent happy.

It doesnt matter if Lightfoot gave those folks the green light...
Johnson would have done the same because they are playing along with what the Democratic party wants.

youre framing what the border states are doing as a "stunt" but they are jam packed with people...
and again Dems have not wanted to deal with it...
I guess you could call that a Democrat stunt.

We've had all these years to figure out what to do with these people and when they come to NYC/Chicago nobody can get an answer!?
Now you are speaking in odd generalities. Could Republicans not have solved it? They had all the juice 4 years ago. Both parties haven't done anything about it for varying reasons, not the least of which its easier to ignore it and do patchwork solutions ala executive orders. If you are ready to go down the senate/ rabbit hole, you can see the history of bills and why them shyts have not moved. And thats assuming if they do reform the law, its in a way you like.

Its always been an issue, but border states get funding and federal infrastructure that a midwest state does not get. I continue to reiterate this point and its like its ignored repeatedly. Deportations have begun again and the only difference between now and the past is that this strategy, sending them to Blue cities, seems to work because the blame only goes one way as evidenced in this convo.

Lightfoot was hot off of a pandemic and didn't know what to do. Johnson doesn't know what to do. It's their jobs to figure it out, and I don't pretend that I would know day 1 or day 100 what to do. I can only sit and yell at my representatives.

There you are speaking in generalities again. I said TEXAS. I post links, and speak facts. Its one governor, Greg Abbott, and its a stunt. What is it they need to deal with?

Last point, "all these years" means little. This problem is represents a failure in Venezuela, hence their people fleeing. Title 42 ended when the pandemic officially "lifted" which ended sight-unseen "everybody gtfo" deportations that Trump used from a 1944 law in the case of health emergencies. Lawfully these people are being processed in Texas and sent around the country awaiting their cases getting taken up. As I mentioned multiple times before, ICE has 21 facilities in Texas, the most in the USA, and Biden has implemented rules about where and what they have to do before coming to the USA, but that does little for the ones already at the border for the time being. So to sum it up, Abbott gets to win political points and everybody gets mad at Democrats for not knowing how to deal with an issue that does not normally come to their cities. Asylum has been a thing for decades. It's the power-play that is new, hence Democratic mayors asking the federal government for the same funding the border states would get to help with the issue.

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
Yes, he is. What are we asking this for?

Then why can’t these posters do the same? Why can’t they believe this is planned against them? You keep saying there is no plan. Then why is there contracts for services and future plans to provide even more services? Who PLANNED the job fair? Who PLANNED the tent housing they are going to build.

Here is Brandon Johnson plan. It was released before he won.

He talks about building permanent housing for asylum seekers.

Let’s stop saying there is no plan.