yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
I said in large part compared to their presence in Chicago, NY and LA. They’re not going to run down here like that.
Yet he was able to shoot and kill two black men. That's how it starts. This is what you nikkas were saying about LA during the 2000s.... now look at LA today. You gotta be latino.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
If Illinois got funding and made infrastructure for it, then it is what it is. Currently they are being dumped all over Chicago, not just black neighborhoods as these talking heads keep saying, but the neighborhoods with the least resources are rightfully pushing back.

Real rap, a wall doesnt work. Keeping that bytch patrolled and working with neighboring countries does. Also, politicians are advocating for what exactly? I know a bunch of them, even Mayor Johnson, says some public “we dont shy from the challenge” shyt because believe it or not, its not a ton of folks in the grand scheme being sent here. They individually though are sucking up resources and causing crime issues and we keep getting more of them every day. If im Texas, tossing your ass back is way different than trying to do the same from the middle of the country. Folks dont wanna hear this, but its like Chicagos gun violence problem. We restrict em but that dont mean shyt when Indiana and Wisconsin are willing to sell to folks, so Chicago STILL gets blamed when its quite literally a problem being imported.
Yall can't cry now. Lori Lightfoot made chicago a sanctuary city. What did yall think would happen?


Sep 2, 2014
Yall can't cry now. Lori Lightfoot made chicago a sanctuary city. What did yall think would happen?

Also, Harold Washington did that back in the 80's, not Lori. Rahm made it an ordinance. Do you live here? Deciding not to ask about immigration or cooperate with the feds has nothing to do with asylum seekers.

"Sanctuary City" is not what we are technically. Welcoming City is the recognized ordinance. Here is the full text.

Now again, what does not busting down minority populations looking for illegals have to do with legally processed asylum seekers being sent to our city, who doesn't get funding for asylum seekers, from a right-wing governor who DOES get funding to process them? Stop with the bullshyt.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

The razor wore fencing caused some deaths and was injuring folks. Lets ignore that and mention that Texas was causing issues with relations with Mexico over that issue. Yes, this has to be addressed. No, killing/maiming folks and causing problems with Mexico was not the move.

And yes, it IS Texas fault. Again, these arent illegals being bussed. They are here legally seeking asylum (whether the claim is legit or not is what gets processed later) but they are being shipped wholesale to areas that dont have the funding or infrastructure for them to come every day. It isnt some big “gotcha” that people are upset about it, we dont have thousands of people get passed like a blunt that we cant pass back with no funding. Texas gets federal funding for this! Just admit you agree with “punishing liberals”.

Texas doesn't have the funding or infrastructure for them to be showing up everyday but the response we got from the rest of the country was "deal with it." Well, now you deal with it. Your mayor(s) invited these migrants in with open arms to score political points and the entire scheme has backfired. It wasn't a border crisis when Texas had to deal with it but now it's a migrant crisis because New York and Chicago have to deal with it. Funny how that works. Governor Abbot was literally playing a game of hot potato like a six year old and these idiot mayors fell for it. A blind man could have seen this coming.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel

Also, Harold Washington did that back in the 80's, not Lori. Rahm made it an ordinance. Do you live here? Deciding not to ask about immigration or cooperate with the feds has nothing to do with asylum seekers.

"Sanctuary City" is not what we are technically. Welcoming City is the recognized ordinance. Here is the full text.

Now again, what does not busting down minority populations looking for illegals have to do with legally processed asylum seekers being sent to our city, who doesn't get funding for asylum seekers, from a right-wing governor who DOES get funding to process them? Stop with the bullshyt.

I'm gonna have to disagree with your premise here.

All of the Democratic Mayors went out of their way to let EVERYONE know they are sanctuary cities. By doing so, they opened the door to turn a blind eye to when illegals showed up in their city. Sure, it was only MEANT to be a policy where the city doesnt work with ICE, but in reality, it showed illegals they are safe in that city.

What you call "asylum seekers" are largely economic migrants who won't qualify for real asylum. Real migrants apply for visas BEFORE they get to our border. The left has absolutely blurred the lines on purpose so they can use emotional arguments in favor of letting people skip the line and jump the border.

Below are the ONLY acceptable asylum reasons. Do you think these migrants qualify and why?

  • Able to demonstrate that you were persecuted or have a fear of persecution in your home country due to your:
    • Race
    • Religion
    • Nationality
    • Social group
    • Political opinion


Sep 2, 2014
Texas doesn't have the funding or infrastructure for them to be showing up everyday but the response we got from the rest of the country was "deal with it." Well, now you deal with it. Your mayor(s) invited these migrants in with open arms to score political points and the entire scheme has backfired. It wasn't a border crisis when Texas had to deal with it but now it's a migrant crisis because New York and Chicago have to deal with it. Funny how that works. Governor Abbot was literally playing a game of hot potato like a six year old and these idiot mayors fell for it. A blind man could have seen this coming.
Naw dawg, Texas cities and border towns have gotten fed funding outside of the covid funds that Abbott used for migration issues. I've been posting long ass articles for the past hour debunking stuff and don't feel like continuing the trend, but I can do it. Some Dem mayors put foots in their mouths but after a year+ of migrants being randomly shipped to places and with increasing frequency, of course they bytching. With most of them coming from Venezuela, thats a federal issue that is being worked out at what feels like snails pace, but none of that should have lead to a border state using tax dollars in a stunt to ship these people all over the place. Texas has ICE centers all over because it is a border state


Illinois has none. NY has jails doubling as centers and one processing center

Receipts on NY

Long story short, like Illinois has to deal with cold, tornadoes, and related issues, Texas is a border state that has to deal with migrants, illegals, etc. They have funding and facilities. Anyone who said it wasn't a problem at the border is an idiot, but that's what Texas gets funding for. And there hasn't been a time in history where people didn't migrate, so it can only be slowed, not stopped.


Sep 2, 2014
I'm gonna have to disagree with your premise here.

All of the Democratic Mayors went out of their way to let EVERYONE know they are sanctuary cities. By doing so, they opened the door to turn a blind eye to when illegals showed up in their city. Sure, it was only MEANT to be a policy where the city doesnt work with ICE, but in reality, it showed illegals they are safe in that city.

What you call "asylum seekers" are largely economic migrants who won't qualify for real asylum. Real migrants apply for visas BEFORE they get to our border. The left has absolutely blurred the lines on purpose so they can use emotional arguments in favor of letting people skip the line and jump the border.

Below are the ONLY acceptable asylum reasons. Do you think these migrants qualify and why?

Bro, I posted a link showing exactly what the parameters are for Chicago. They don't hem people up for immigration status partially because thats a federal function and shouldn't be on individual cops to enforce nor tie themselves up with. That is NOT a wholesale invitation for illegals and they literally were not flooding in here like that. The asylum seekers are processed pending a yay or nay for asylum. That is where they go to one of the many ICE centers in Texas

So, instead of them waiting at those centers to get pushed through or pushed out, they are being bussed to Dem cities. You are arguing this the wrong way. They either would have been taken in or tossed as that is how it has always been. The difference is now they are being shipped to other cities that are not built for wholesale migratory behavior. The fed literally gives those tools to Texas but we are arguing what "The left" does. The left isn't shipping them people to places they shouldn't be in the first place. If people on the right are so gung-ho about walls, what difference would they make if they legally process the people and then send them across the country for political points?

I ask: what does Chicago not messing with a federal function (immigration status) have to do with Texas sending legally processed folk up here? You can say that talked that good shyt, fine, but Texas gets funding to handle this.


Jan 28, 2013
Naw dawg, Texas cities and border towns have gotten fed funding outside of the covid funds that Abbott used for migration issues. I've been posting long ass articles for the past hour debunking stuff and don't feel like continuing the trend, but I can do it. Some Dem mayors put foots in their mouths but after a year+ of migrants being randomly shipped to places and with increasing frequency, of course they bytching. With most of them coming from Venezuela, thats a federal issue that is being worked out at what feels like snails pace, but none of that should have lead to a border state using tax dollars in a stunt to ship these people all over the place. Texas has ICE centers all over because it is a border state


Illinois has none. NY has jails doubling as centers and one processing center

Receipts on NY

Long story short, like Illinois has to deal with cold, tornadoes, and related issues, Texas is a border state that has to deal with migrants, illegals, etc. They have funding and facilities. Anyone who said it wasn't a problem at the border is an idiot, but that's what Texas gets funding for. And there hasn't been a time in history where people didn't migrate, so it can only be slowed, not stopped.

The amount of money and resources Texas has gotten pales in comparison to what they need to deal with this issue. It's not enough.

I'm not mad at them shipping them elsewhere.

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022

He went full Shill(Retard) with that answer.

Sad :francis:

I saw a video of one of his deputies mayors stating how they were proud they were still accepting migrants. She said Colorado and NY put signs up at the border saying so do not come, but not Chicago. They are upholding values or some shyt.

The governor also sent a letter to Biden that Brandon Johnson wouldn’t sign.

Soft as hell. If it’s an crisis like they say turn United Center into a shelter.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Bro, I posted a link showing exactly what the parameters are for Chicago. They don't hem people up for immigration status partially because thats a federal function and shouldn't be on individual cops to enforce nor tie themselves up with. That is NOT a wholesale invitation for illegals and they literally were not flooding in here like that. The asylum seekers are processed pending a yay or nay for asylum. That is where they go to one of the many ICE centers in Texas

So, instead of them waiting at those centers to get pushed through or pushed out, they are being bussed to Dem cities. You are arguing this the wrong way. They either would have been taken in or tossed as that is how it has always been. The difference is now they are being shipped to other cities that are not built for wholesale migratory behavior. The fed literally gives those tools to Texas but we are arguing what "The left" does. The left isn't shipping them people to places they shouldn't be in the first place. If people on the right are so gung-ho about walls, what difference would they make if they legally process the people and then send them across the country for political points?

I ask: what does Chicago not messing with a federal function (immigration status) have to do with Texas sending legally processed folk up here? You can say that talked that good shyt, fine, but Texas gets funding to handle this.

Texas doesnt have the funding to deal with it....They've been saying it for decades.

Just because they get federal funding....doesnt mean its ENOUGH funding

Texas sending illegals to Chicago, Boston, NYC might be "wrong" but its the ONLY way they've made the feds and liberal mayors listen to their pleas.

Texas has been saying they can't deal with the massive migration and they've been saying it for YEARS.

Why do you think the burden has to be SOLELY on Texas...just because they get limited federal funds for it??

Abbots actions have FORCED the conversation. His actions have FORCED liberal, sanctuary cities to start being realistic and not emotional on the immigration issue.

Extremely wealthy and resource-rich places like Chicago and NYC are telling you THEY can't hang. But you expect Texas to hang? Lol


May 1, 2012
Sad :francis:

I saw a video of one of his deputies mayors stating how they were proud they were still accepting migrants. She said Colorado and NY put signs up at the border saying so do not come, but not Chicago. They are upholding values or some shyt.

The governor also sent a letter to Biden that Brandon Johnson wouldn’t sign.

Soft as hell. If it’s an crisis like they say turn United Center into a shelter.
The DNC must grow c00n(Shills) in a lab or something. Because how do you find black people willing to pick a political party over their own race?

But I think the Shills on theColi are worse.