*the interview with feds*
fed one: hello mr sayoc
sayoc: address me as the maga bomber
fed one: maga bomber?
sayoc: it's what they are gonna call me in movies
fed two:
sayoc: i was told you have my maga mobile
fed one: the van.....yeah we have it.
sayoc: i want it more futuristic in the movie like the bat mobile.
fed one: so what motivated you.....why those targets?
sayoc: i have demands.......get trump on the phone
fed two:
sayoc: after my pardon i'll put it all in my books and movies.
fed one:
sayoc: spacey would have been perfect to play me.....fukk!
fed one: sir this is very serious.
sayoc: youre right.....bryan cranston would be better.
fed two:
sayoc: i'll need a pardon and selfies with trump on AF1.