Even though the show had very low budget special effects, it's one of those shows that's always interesting to watch
1. Because of Rose Mcgowan
2. Because of Alyssa Milano
at brehs actually watching Charmed to see t*ts, when actual porn in 2020 provides not only plenty of those but also has higher production values than this trash ass show.
Maybe there are guys that can appreciate the beauty of women without seeing them degrade themselves and have semen blasted into their face...Plus I don't think anyone is talking about watching it NOWat brehs actually watching Charmed to see t*ts, when actual porn in 2020 provides not only plenty of those but also has higher production values than this trash ass show.
pretend that lusting after rose mcgowan and allissa milano is like admiring a rennaissance painting brehsMaybe there are guys that can appreciate the beauty of women without seeing them degrade themselves and have semen blasted into their face...Plus I don't think anyone is talking about watching it NOW