There's a lot of bitterness and insecurity in that excerpt.
At the end of the day, Charlotte just isn't looked at the same way the other Horsewomen are. Never has been, never will be. Paige saying that Charlotte wasn't ready yet but Sasha was the full package told me everything I needed to know.
It's why her career is filled with meaningless title reigns, why she had to bully her way to the top, why she hasn't been plugged into anything organically. We never really embraced Charlotte like that, she was just there all the time. Sasha, Becky, and Bayley got love from the beginning. Even though Becky has gotten on my nerves over the last two years, her character was embraced at one point. The fans wanted her at the top, and she was a genuinely likable person. None of that ever happened to Charlotte. She just won titles because of her family legacy, not because she was that good.
It's funny that she says she needed the title to elevate her because that's how you know she had no character that people could get into. That's why they took the World Heavyweight Championship off CM Punk in 2008, because they felt like the title was legitimizing him when it's supposed to be the other way around. A title can't be the only reason we take you seriously.
But then I think about things like Charlotte making Asuka tap out at WrestleMania, then having her cut a promo about how great Charlotte is. Or when she forced her way into the main event at WrestleMania a year later, even going as far as beating Asuka in a random title match just to make it seem like she deserved to be in the main event. It's all born out of that bitterness, insecurity, and desire to be embraced.
You could say that WWE books everything and Charlotte had nothing to do with any of this. But she wrote the book, so we all know how she feels about this.