Wade Keller dropping bombs today. I'll try and find a link to the reports, but uh... Chuck might gotta go. You can't keep someone like that in a locker room and think shyt will end up sweet.
I know Becky and Charlotte were best friends for years, but you could sense their dynamic changing once Becky blew up. Beckys rise coincided with fans despising Charlotte’s reign. That had to crush Charlotte who’s already extremely insecure.
Charlotte Ruffin on that stuff.
It’s almost like pushing her at the expense of literally every other woman in the division hurt everybody else
and blew her ego up to planet size

who would’ve ever guessed that this would backfire horribly
Reading that Charlotte explanation was like an eye tongue twister lol
Yeah it's time to let her go to AEW and let her poison that well. If this is how she'll act after getting everything she wants even at major detriment to other talent she's not going to be happy there either
So everyone saying she got an ego?
So go to AEW to be another mere woman champ?
Go to Impact where she can become a HEAVYWEIGHT WORD CHAMP!
She going to Impact
It's interesting, but not surprising that TSC is the only outlet that is instantly anti-Chuck from the jump, when not even Becky stans on Twitter are this delusional and negative.
Let's be clear, the segment was stupid as fukk and anybody with clout would have done the same in Charlotte's position
I mean just imagine Stone Cold and The Rock trading titles like trading cards, fhat wouldn't even had been on the table.
Not to mention Becky was supposed to hold up both belts and throwing the blue one at Charlotte, effectively making Charlotte look weak. And we all know how Charlotte is like in that regard, she wasn't having any of that bullshyt, and that doesn't make her the villain.
Edit: Also

at y'all for suggesting for her to go to AEW, ir for even thinking Vince would willingly let her go.