Seriously whether or not you support the LGBT movement or the right for a mother to raise their child how they see fit, this is clearly a case of child abuse. As parent you should never let a child make these sort of decisions for themselves. At 5 years old I thought I was many things, a tiger, superhero etc. At 5 years old no kids has any sense of their gender identity since around this time it comes from the parents and naturally the sex you were born. When I see shyt like this, it is very obvious that it comes from a parent trying to enforce their liberal/ LGBT ideology on to their children. This is not about letting the child have freedom or deciding for themselves. Because if you let children make choices for themselves they will chose the most destructive lifestyle since they do not know any better.
Like if this bytch actually did any research she would have found that 60-90% of children that decided to be the opposite sex reverse that decision soon after becoming an adult...