Aliens, T2, Star Trek, OG SW, PT SW, Robocop, Starship Troopers, Resident Evil, Kill Bill, Matrix Trilogy, had parity between the sexes....
Post #MeToo/Include#Me era, it is misandry and manbashing to the highest levels in many films and if you don't support misandry, you are sexist...
Movie didn't perform well due to:
- Unpopular franchise
- Poor marketing
- Uninteresting leads
- Leads are butch/dykes/bi looking broads....
Doesn't connect with men or trash....
Post #MeToo/Include#Me era, it is misandry and manbashing to the highest levels in many films and if you don't support misandry, you are sexist...
Movie didn't perform well due to:
- Unpopular franchise
- Poor marketing
- Uninteresting leads
- Leads are butch/dykes/bi looking broads....
Doesn't connect with men or trash....