Somebody say some shyt like this about my kids, I'm beating you within a inch of death
And then you will get sent to prison, leaving your babies with no dad. The old adage about Sticks and Stones is really something we need to start adopting into how we move as men. That macho man/foolish pride shyt we been taught by elder idiots ain’t it. As Brother Malcolm said…”Be peaceful, be courteous. Obey the law. But if a man puts his hands on you, send him to the cemetery.” That’s pretty much the format…except I’d much rather send you to the hospital than the cemetery…and I’m getting busy as soon as you approach aggressively, not letting you put hands on me first lol.
Gotta distinguish clear and present danger/immediate threats from some meaningless words from a drunk/basehead/attention whore/Charleston White ass nig lol. Anybody who would do anything that could land them in prison based off this guy’s words is an idiot, ain’t no weight behind none of it. They not even threats lol, “I hope your…Your son is a…fukk your…” Man foh

, ignore it or laugh it off…or rebuttal, lol
Men let other peoples words control them and their emotions too much…shyt is crazy, ready to throw your whole life away cause somebody said something “disrespectful”

… gotta grow up one day bruh