And all he had to do was pay this niqqa no mind.Math got baited in and will now take the negative publicity hit
He's like that Dave Chappelle joke, he rapes but he saves.Is he evil or is he good, or is he both? He's good at being evil yet his evil is mostly meant for so-called good. Should one excuse the evil methodology to obtain the so-called good or the ends not justifying the means? Does it matter if you lure vermin away with the flute or the cheese gauntlet?
Where's Ja? Where's Noam Chomsky? We needs answers!
Islam teachingsYoull let another grown man call for your kid to be molested and do nothing. Shut up puzzy
Math a'int cancel nothing....
Math a'int cancel nothing....
Math a'int cancel nothing....
Math a'int cancel nothing....
"I know somebody who badder than all you nikkas.....the police"CW said he gonna have the big military white boys wit snuff in they mouth who dont like nikkaz as security