Thunderbolt Them Suckers
People seem to be against "Stop & Frisk" because of the racial component. But you should hate these policies because it's basically government officials abusing their power. You have the insane security theatre going on at airports where they aggressive grope rape victims, little children, and force you through a cancer-inducing xray machine but no one talks about those things.
The NYPD's racist policies are another component of government abuse and it will only escalate in the future (because people love government intervening in everything). Next we're going to have highway checkpoints and take away everybody's guns (imagine a society where cops are the only people who have guns and there is no way to defend yourself against an abusive cop or someone breaking into your house).
The NYPD's racist policies are another component of government abuse and it will only escalate in the future (because people love government intervening in everything). Next we're going to have highway checkpoints and take away everybody's guns (imagine a society where cops are the only people who have guns and there is no way to defend yourself against an abusive cop or someone breaking into your house).