Smooth sailing from here on out...

It's been some kind of week

feel like bogdan headed to LA.. otherwise he would have been signed to hawks/ny
feel like bogdan headed to LA.. otherwise he would have been signed to hawks/ny
What happened, we pick up Melo again or sumptin?Rockets going out sad.
@who_better_than_me @Mike_Pipeson you might want to ask @Loose to make you crappy ass rockets tank banner
I wonder if they're still trying to save money for next year's free agency. don't know if they want to impact their financials for next year because of bogdan.
Pump fake being pump fakeI'd be pretty pissed if I was a Cs fan right now.
Getting Turner back for Hayward would have been the best thing out of his entire stint in Boston
He was an RFA so he still could’ve been negotiating with other teams for an offer sheetYes! Now all we need is a veteran point guard on a minimum contract to round out the roster.
Kind of sucks for him they did it 2 days into the free agency.