The Chris Jericho/Chyna feud, strangely enough. He debuted hot but was sinking fast until that feud began, then shyt took off in no time.
Bret's '91 singles run... they had experimented with this idea twice already (84 and '88) and then finally went all the way with it after Mania VII and it finally worked out.
Putting Batista with Flair and HHH and switching him over to Raw... without Evolution, he coulda easily been A-Train, Matt Morgan, Rhyno, or any of them other big heels they had on Smackdown that year.
Bret's '91 singles run... they had experimented with this idea twice already (84 and '88) and then finally went all the way with it after Mania VII and it finally worked out.
Putting Batista with Flair and HHH and switching him over to Raw... without Evolution, he coulda easily been A-Train, Matt Morgan, Rhyno, or any of them other big heels they had on Smackdown that year.