I talk to him on twitter, breh was interested to sign up on thecoli but its closed

Listen to CS 032: Blerds (09/17/2017) by Champagne Sharks #np on #SoundCloudDoes anyone remember which episode it was when he was talking about how people deluded themselves into believing Cardi B was a socialist icon?
This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at patreon.com/champagnesharks. This will not only give you access to this current premium episode you’re previewing, but also all the back premium episodes you may have missed as well and all future bonus premium episodes. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/champ…d1242690393?mt=2. Also don’t forget to check out the Champagne Sharks reddit at reddit.com/r/champagnesharks and the Champagne Sharks Twitter account at twitter.com/champagnesharks.
We discuss the new HBO show 2 Dope Queens.
Discussed in this episode:
Trailers and clips from the show, Teaser trailer: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMp7iGHtMso; Preview clip of Episode 2: scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/db223…92_n.mp4; called Stephen Colbert "Zaddy" www.youtube.com/watch?v=ondgELcRsBI&t=21s; calling another white man "Zaddy" www.youtube.com/watch?v=76wj31pHczM; calling Jon Stewart a "DILF" www.thedailybeast.com/2-dope-queens-…n-hbo-premiere
Ta-Nehisi Coates' "The Case for Reparations" piece: www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archiv…rations/361631/
Articles describing the importance and emotional resonance of Black Mammies to the White American psyche and the proposed "Faithful Slave Mammies of the South" monument www.readex.com/blog/remembering-…controversy-press; "Faithful Slave Mammies of the South mallhistory.org/items/show/512; "We've Come a Long Way from the Effort to Memorialize the Slave Mammy" historynewsnetwork.org/article/142126; "Mythication of the Mammy Figure" xroads.virginia.edu/~ma99/diller/ma…my/fiction.html; "Celebrating the Faithful Colored Mammies of the South" rediscovering-black-history.blogs.archives.gov/2…/; "The Mammy Washington Almost Had" The Mammy Washington Almost Had www.theatlantic.com/national/archiv…ost-had/276431/
Books on the effect of mammies on the American psyche: Slave In A Box: The Strange Career of Aunt Jemima by Maurice M. Manring amzn.to/2EHO1RE; Clinging to Mammy: The Faithful Slave in Twentieth-Century America by Micki McElya amzn.to/2BaHsr6
Sheena Howard on The Breakfast Club www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZjJb6xhgxE
"Can ‘Grown-ish’ avoid the chaste, safe reality of ‘A Different World’?" by Soraya McDonald theundefeated.com/features/abc-gro…different-world/
My twitter thread about weak otaku and the link to Patton Oswalt's piece twitter.com/RickyRawls/status/958788179808739330
#Blavity #2 Dope Queens #Patton Oswalt #Mammy #Zaddy
Today we discuss an article that appeared about Black brunch as self-care.
Discussed in this episode:
"The Joy of Black Brunch" www.eater.com/2018/1/24/16920824…-woodland-brooklyn
"Thank You God, For Black Thanksgiving" www.bonappetit.com/story/rembert-b…ne-thanksgiving
"CS 043: Cultural Quadroons," the episode where we discussed the Black Thanksgiving article champagnesharks.blubrry.net/cs-043/
"Bill O’Reilly Shocked that Sylvia’s Harlem Restaurant is Normal" www.villagevoice.com/2007/09/24/bil…ant-is-normal/
#Podcast #Black Brunch #Funny #Blavity #Eater #Thinkpiece
I saw folks mention in the Event Staff subforum that individual folks can still register to this forum if they message/email @Brooklynzson & a established poster for can vouch for them.I talk to him on twitter, breh was interested to sign up on thecoli but its closed![]()
I saw folks mention in the Event Staff subforum that individual folks can still register to this forum if they message/email @Brooklynzson & a established poster for can vouch for them.
I follow him we need this nikka here.I saw folks mention in the Event Staff subforum that individual folks can still register to this forum if they message/email @Brooklynzson & a established poster for can vouch for them.
This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at patreon.com/champagnesharks. This will not only give you access to this current premium episode you’re previewing, but also all the back premium episodes you may have missed as well and all future bonus premium episodes. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/champ…d1242690393?mt=2. Also don’t forget to check out the Champagne Sharks reddit at reddit.com/r/champagnesharks and the Champagne Sharks Twitter account at twitter.com/champagnesharks.
We discuss sapiosexuals and Jordan Peterson superfans and theorize a Venn diagram showing the overlap between the two groups. We also discuss cryptocurrency-peddling fake hoteps and yet another over-the-top Black Panther article.
Article on Sapiosexuals: www.nytimes.com/2017/06/02/nyregi…ts-the-brain.html
Some background reading on Jordan Peterson, by Shuja Haider: www.viewpointmag.com/2018/01/23/pos…12-rules-life/ and by Jack Smith IV: mic.com/articles/187776/jorda…lling-them#.7EflM7Yz1
A good dissection of the Jordan Peterson phenomenon by Canadaland podcast: www.canadalandshow.com/podcast/canad…n-b-peterson/
Jay Caspian Kang’s interview with Jordan Peterson that attracted the attention of Peterson’s superfan trolls www.youtube.com/watch?v=blTglME9rvQ
Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor debate www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVg8_r1kzbw
Jordan Peterson’s merchandise page www.redbubble.com/shop/jordan+pete…n?ref=search_box
litecoin, the reddit user who lost his life savings in the cryptocurrency Bitconnect www.reddit.com/r/Bitconnect/comm…gs_in_bitconnect/
Jamil Smith’s article “The Revolutionary Power Of Black Panther” time.com/black-panther/
Jamil Smith being revealed as a shill for centrist liberal Hillary Clinton via the DNC email leak. One article here: thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/pr…h-bloggers-to-smear and also: fair.org/home/with-dnc-leaks-…rue-and-no-big-deal/
#Podcast #Jordan Peterson #Tariq Nasheed #Jared Taylor #Sapiosexual #Black Panther
Today we discuss the Black Panther movie. Remember to check out the “Killmonger Was Right” and “Team Killmonger” gear at killmongerwasright.com which also helps to support the show.
Discussed in this episode:
The Boston Review article by Christopher Lebron, “‘Black Panther’ Is Not The Movie We Deserve.” bostonreview.net/race/christopher…on-black-panther
Yvette Carnell’s Black Panther review, part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAeveMxi5OU
Yvette Carnell’s Black Panther review, part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=u79WMb5aa6c
Tariq Nasheed’s Black Panther review: www.youtube.com/watch?v=u79WMb5aa6c
#Podcast #Black Panther #Wakanda #Killmonger #Review #Misogynoir
This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at patreon.com/champagnesharks. This will not only give you access to this current premium episode you’re previewing, but also all the back premium episodes you may have missed as well and all future bonus premium episodes. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/champ…d1242690393?mt=2. Also don’t forget to check out the Champagne Sharks reddit at reddit.com/r/champagnesharks and the Champagne Sharks Twitter account at twitter.com/champagnesharks. Also check out killmongerwasright.com for the Team Killmonger t-shirts you can buy to support the show.
Because I got some grief over this take from a previous episode, I expand on my white sexual entitlement take from a few episodes age. We also discuss the recent controversy over Black History Month and soul
Leah McSweeney's dealings with Michael Che and her response to the fallout and the backlash that came from it. pagesix.com/2017/01/18/michael-…e-getting-rejected/
A short video on the "Jail No Bail" strategy done by Civil Rights Movement: "'Jail, No Bail' Idea Stymied Cities' Profiting From Civil Rights Protesters" www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxZbOa7KUQU
Deray McKesson's Blue Steel arrest photo: www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/blac…-sterling-n606611
Deray's Blue Steel photo: www.elitedaily.com/news/deray-mcke…rrested/1548552
A story about Deray's arrest and the ensuing #DerayHasBeenReleasedParty hashtag blavity.com/twitter-celebrates-…ay-mckesson-release
NYT Article on the NYU BSU Black History Month soul food controversy: www.nytimes.com/2018/02/21/nyregi…istory-month.html
NYT Article on the NYU BSU Black History Month soul food controversy: www.nytimes.com/2018/02/21/nyregi…istory-month.html
NYU BSU Statement: twitter.com/BSUNYU/status/966678501876224001
NYU BSU Followup statement Part 1: twitter.com/BSUNYU/status/96792…95510415362/photo/1
NYU BSU Followup statement Part 2: twitter.com/BSUNYU/status/96792…90587408384/photo/1
The controversy with Questlove calling out the addition of fried chicken to the NBC commissary Black History Month menu and the black chef's response: thegrio.com/2010/02/04/nbc-cook…lack-history-month/
Questlove's elevated highbrow fried chicken stand in Chelsea Market in Manhattan ny.eater.com/2013/11/4/6337029/…ken-stand-is-dunzo
#Black History Month #BSU #Deray McKesson #Michael Che #BSU
This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at patreon.com/champagnesharks. This will not only give you access to this current premium episode you’re previewing, but also all the back premium episodes you may have missed as well and all future bonus premium episodes. Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/champ…d1242690393?mt=2. Also don’t forget to check out the Champagne Sharks reddit at reddit.com/r/champagnesharks and the Champagne Sharks Twitter account at twitter.com/champagnesharks. Also check out killmongerwasright.com for the Team Killmonger t-shirts you can buy to support the show.
This episode, I answer some listener questions.
Mentioned in the episode:
"White Feelings: 0-60 for Charlottesville" www.erynnbrook.com/white-feelings-…harlottesville/
Today I answer a listener question about why do so many pickup artists and other men’s dating advice people turn into extremists in general and white supremacists in particular. Remember to check out the “Killmonger Was Right” and “Team Killmonger” gear at killmongerwasright.com which also helps to support the show.
Opening Song: "A Love That's Worth Having" by Willie Hutch
Closing Song: "Nostalgia" by Dao Paoro (RAC Mix)
Discussed in this episode:
The academic study by June Tangney, Jeff Stuewig, and Debra J. Mashek, “Moral Emotions and Moral Behavior.” pdfs.semanticscholar.org/78b9/1838627…4edac7e4.pdf
June Tangney’s book summarizing all her research, Shame and Guilt amzn.to/2FhGU5j
#Podcast #Nazis #MRA #PUA #White Nationalist #Shame