Champagne Sharks podcast thread (@RickyRawls from Twitter)

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
And truth be told most of who do support ADOS do not support Tone and Yvette personally, nor do they speak for us.

I am apart of the bulk of supporters who care about and advocate for reparations and a unique ethnic Identity classification.

And I understand. I have no issues with other Black people -- I just put me and mine first. Then others after.

Really the keypoints :wow:



Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
I'm listening to this episode right now:

This episode has Kenny and T. cohosting with no guests.

We discuss Nas and Will Smith's new financial literacy app for teens Step and how various wings of woke Twitter were bashing the app without even seeming to read what the app was even about. We also go into Nas's consistently incoherent fake-deep political philosophy over the years. We discuss NYC Black people's willingness to let Hispanics and others to use the word "nikka" and Bay Area Black people's willingness to let everyone use the word and how that differs from Black people from other regions. We also discuss how socialists often put too much importance and emphasis on the socialism of the Black Panthers, especially when trying to use them as examples of eschewing identity politics.

Mentioned in this episode:

The article but Nas and Will Smith's app that antiracist and anticapitalists were misinterpreting so that they could get an easy dunk on it:…l-literacy-app/

The book Presumed Alliance by Nicholas Vaca…een/dp/0060522054

Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (

:mjlol: I've always overlooked Nas was on some fake deep shyt. This podcast episode would embarrass Nas stans in the booth.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
This Podcast started off so well and has lost ALL steam, this thread is dead and righfulyh so.

Trevor "T" and them are just a bunch of MILITANT INTERGRATIONIST.
They use ALL the "Black Power" "Miliatnt" talking points but their final solution is NOT soverignty/nationhood or anything relating to black people having actual POWER.

Whether it's conscious community hustlers/pimps like Tariq Nasheed or the pseudo intellectual ADOS types, ultimately ALL these people have no real interest in attaining POWER.. Controlling land, infrastructure and being able to self determine our own reality.
They just wanna analyze "White Supremacy" ALL day long and appear "Deeeeeeep"

I urge any black man who's sick of ALL this to read and listen to the YouTube lectures of the smartest black man I've ever had the pleasure of discovering... DR AMOS N WILSON.



Aug 6, 2015
This Podcast started off so well and has lost ALL steam, this thread is dead and righfulyh so.

Trevor "T" and them are just a bunch of MILITANT INTERGRATIONIST.
They use ALL the "Black Power" "Miliatnt" talking points but their final solution is NOT soverignty/nationhood or anything relating to black people having actual POWER.

Whether it's conscious community hustlers/pimps like Tariq Nasheed or the pseudo intellectual ADOS types, ultimately ALL these people have no real interest in attaining POWER.. Controlling land, infrastructure and being able to self determine our own reality.
They just wanna analyze "White Supremacy" ALL day long and appear "Deeeeeeep"

I urge any black man who's sick of ALL this to read and listen to the YouTube lectures of the smartest black man I've ever had the pleasure of discovering... DR AMOS N WILSON.

You don't like him because he gets and supports Black Americans/ADOS.


Anti-Black American xenophobic hiding under faux fighting White Supremacy and Pan-Africanism while being anti-Black American and non-supportive/bigoted is sad/tired.

Dr. Wilson was ADOS and would fully support ADOS initiatives. While still being supportive of other Black people. It's disappointing his own people are not granted the same support.

If restitution is not made and reparations not instituted to compensate for prior injustices, those injustices are in effect rewarded. – Dr Amos Wilson

WILSON: Yes, to a very great extent. We don’t think of crime as serving a social function. Some people’s negative behavior serves the interest of other people. For instance, Black children dropping out of school serves the interests of other people’s children, who then don’t have Black people to compete against. Our dropping out becomes a service to those who then can enter the positions for which we are no longer in competition…. As a matter of fact, during the first reconstruction, Blacks were robbed of the 40 acres and a mule promised them by the U.S. government as part of the REPARATIONS for slavery. A lot of people think that’s just a myth; but that was an actual act of Congress. This would have given Blacks an economic leg up, an economic independence which would have served as a platform for our political independence as well…. the white planter recognized that if you gave Black people this kind of land, they would not be able to use them in the cotton fields; they wouldn’t be able to profit from their destitution. It’s important to understand how you actually create poverty in a people so that you can use their services. You strip them of everything; therefore, they become utterly dependent upon you, and you use their dependency as a means of creating your own wealth and power.

Black people aren’t poor by accident. This serves the interest of somebody. The energy that we put into hurting each other is the energy that we can’t use to compete against other people. The stereotypes of Black-on-Black crime serve as a justification for other people to take advantage of us. But in a deeper sense, it serves to hide the criminality of whites. It makes us think that whites in America are not criminals and have not created a criminal.
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Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
You don't like him because he gets and supports Black Americans/ADOS.


Anti-Black American xenophobic hiding under faux fighting White Supremacy and Pan-Africanism while being anti-Black American and non-supportive/bigoted is sad/tired.

Dr. Wilson was ADOS and would fully support ADOS initiatives. While still being supportive of other Black people. It's disappointing his own people are not granted the same support.

If restitution is not made and reparations not instituted to compensate for prior injustices, those injustices are in effect rewarded. – Dr Amos Wilson

WILSON: Yes, to a very great extent. We don’t think of crime as serving a social function. Some people’s negative behavior serves the interest of other people. For instance, Black children dropping out of school serves the interests of other people’s children, who then don’t have Black people to compete against. Our dropping out becomes a service to those who then can enter the positions for which we are no longer in competition…. As a matter of fact, during the first reconstruction, Blacks were robbed of the 40 acres and a mule promised them by the U.S. government as part of the REPARATIONS for slavery. A lot of people think that’s just a myth; but that was an actual act of Congress. This would have given Blacks an economic leg up, an economic independence which would have served as a platform for our political independence as well…. the white planter recognized that if you gave Black people this kind of land, they would not be able to use them in the cotton fields; they wouldn’t be able to profit from their destitution. It’s important to understand how you actually create poverty in a people so that you can use their services. You strip them of everything; therefore, they become utterly dependent upon you, and you use their dependency as a means of creating your own wealth and power.

Black people aren’t poor by accident. This serves the interest of somebody. The energy that we put into hurting each other is the energy that we can’t use to compete against other people. The stereotypes of Black-on-Black crime serve as a justification for other people to take advantage of us. But in a deeper sense, it serves to hide the criminality of whites. It makes us think that whites in America are not criminals and have not created a criminal.

What's your ultimate end goal as a black collective in America?... What's your ideal scenario
. You get reparations.. And what else... Just idealy from schooling, farming, protection (police/army), law etc what is your ideal scenario or what you're working towards?

My ideal scenario is the African diaspora identifies 3 land masses (2 in Africa) one on the Indian Ocean, another on the Atlantic and another everything else serves as a satellite States for those 2 states.
Black's in the diaspora use our resources to build up infrastrucre in those 2 states and work towards complete sovereignty... Instead of begging for reparations, begging for apartheid land to be given back, begging to be treated equally in a racist anti black world...

What is YOUR end goal?

The Up Right Man

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
This Podcast started off so well and has lost ALL steam, this thread is dead and righfulyh so.

Trevor "T" and them are just a bunch of MILITANT INTERGRATIONIST.
They use ALL the "Black Power" "Miliatnt" talking points but their final solution is NOT soverignty/nationhood or anything relating to black people having actual POWER.

Whether it's conscious community hustlers/pimps like Tariq Nasheed or the pseudo intellectual ADOS types, ultimately ALL these people have no real interest in attaining POWER.. Controlling land, infrastructure and being able to self determine our own reality.
They just wanna analyze "White Supremacy" ALL day long and appear "Deeeeeeep"

I urge any black man who's sick of ALL this to read and listen to the YouTube lectures of the smartest black man I've ever had the pleasure of discovering... DR AMOS N WILSON.

No offense sir, but they discuss a variety of topics.
They aren’t a call to action type podcast.

The Up Right Man

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
What's your ultimate end goal as a black collective in America?... What's your ideal scenario
. You get reparations.. And what else... Just idealy from schooling, farming, protection (police/army), law etc what is your ideal scenario or what you're working towards?

My ideal scenario is the African diaspora identifies 3 land masses (2 in Africa) one on the Indian Ocean, another on the Atlantic and another everything else serves as a satellite States for those 2 states.
Black's in the diaspora use our resources to build up infrastrucre in those 2 states and work towards complete sovereignty... Instead of begging for reparations, begging for apartheid land to be given back, begging to be treated equally in a racist anti black world...

What is YOUR end goal?
How would you go about obtaining this land and money to tap into the resources and build infrastructure? This is a multi trillion dollar plan.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
How would you go about obtaining this land and money to tap into the resources and build infrastructure? This is a multi trillion dollar plan.
Yes I understand how hard and difficult it is... But as I said it's my END GOAL.. Ultimate end point scenario. I have no illusions about how diifficut of a task this would be. None whatsoever

So the main question is would YOU be interested in something like that, if so we gonna conversate off line.

What is Your ultimate ideal end goal.. That's both extremely hard and yet feasible.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
How would you go about obtaining this land and money to tap into the resources and build infrastructure? This is a multi trillion dollar plan.

The end game question is NOT a trick question BTW. It's simply to know if you still have any faith in the system as is (meaning if you still think we should vote, we should seek "eqauality" in ABC etc)

My end goal is advised by understanding that the entire world, not just whites, but Indians, Mestizo's, Asians and even beloved "light skin" mullatoes/mixed breeds, are innately anti black /anti African.

I don't mind us finnesinng any ethicn for their money, their land, their resources etc
But out ultimate end goal in doing ALL of that is to assume power on a geopolitical scale... Not to be "equal" with anyone. That's not how POWER works.

I also am very aware that to get any of this going its not gonna be based on the majority of the black /African population... Most black people on planet earth wanna assimilate to the current white world order and breed out our "******"/African genes if possible.

So when I ask what your end goal is its to simply figure out what advises your stance on matters like "reparations"..
I know white people's power positions in the US is directly linked to the raping/looting of African resources, both its human resources and raw materials... So paying that population money to "FIX" "Repair" the damage inflicted on them since slavery would completely destroy their power position as it exists...therefire for as long as they are In a position of ACTUAL power over you they will never ever pay reparations.
However if you belive that that's not true you and that you're a unique enthinc group, and your vote matters etc etc then I can understand WHY you would advocate for integrationalist token symbols like "police reform" "first black president" "Black mayors/governors" etc

As far as short term I fully support ALL black people no matter where they are finnessing resources out this fukked up system, but I always ask WHAT IS OUR END GOAL/POINT OF FINALITTY!?

To have POWER and Sovereignty... Or assimilate into French, Portuguese, English, Anglo American, Chinese and Japanese etc societies/power systems?..
What's our long term goal?

Hope I'm clear


Aug 6, 2015
What's your ultimate end goal as a black collective in America?... What's your ideal scenario
. You get reparations.. And what else... Just idealy from schooling, farming, protection (police/army), law etc what is your ideal scenario or what you're working towards?

My ideal scenario is the African diaspora identifies 3 land masses (2 in Africa) one on the Indian Ocean, another on the Atlantic and another everything else serves as a satellite States for those 2 states.
Black's in the diaspora use our resources to build up infrastrucre in those 2 states and work towards complete sovereignty... Instead of begging for reparations, begging for apartheid land to be given back, begging to be treated equally in a racist anti black world...

What is YOUR end goal?

Anyone who says reparations is begging does not understand nor GET Dr. Amos - and shouldn't be speaking about him. They should also stop trying to speak on pan-africanism or fighting reparations. Put some energy into learning about ADOS history and reparations - cause you clearly don't understand what we are demanding -- and what was taken.

Your whole response is anti-Black America and disconnected from Black America. Therefore, I won't continue to engage. You are not ADOS -- there for your opinion isn't respected nor needed. Some of y'all continue to be disrespectful -- and every post you make mentioning ADOS shows your issue and bigotry against Black Americans/ADOS.

Continue being a bigot faking like you aren't.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Anyone who says reparations is begging does not understand nor GET Dr. Amos - and shouldn't be speaking about him. They should also stop trying to speak on pan-africanism or fighting reparations. Put some energy into learning about ADOS history and reparations - cause you clearly don't understand what we are demanding -- and what was taken.

Your whole response is anti-Black America and disconnected from Black America. Therefore, I won't continue to engage. You are not ADOS -- there for your opinion isn't respected nor needed. Some of y'all continue to be disrespectful -- and every post you make mentioning ADOS shows your issue and bigotry against Black Americans/ADOS.

Continue being a bigot faking like you aren't.

Point taken

Can you at the very least answer me what your end goal is in the US as a black collective?...

Sum it it in a sentence or paragraph.


Aug 6, 2015
Point taken

Can you at the very least answer me what your end goal is in the US as a black collective?...

Sum it it in a sentence or paragraph.

For the Black Collective - meaning ADOS people only. They are my only concern.

Our end goal is repair, redress and renovation in the terms of land, education, health, community, financial, insurance, farming and anything else -- meaning what has been taken, stolen, missed out on and tricked out of. From enslavement to current times.

We will continue to fight for our ancestors and family -- ADOS. Then after that we can again concern ourselves with others -- meaning other Black non-ADOS.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
For the Black Collective - meaning ADOS people only. They are my only concern.

Our end goal is repair, redress and renovation in the terms of land, education, health, community, financial, insurance, farming and anything else -- meaning what has been taken, stolen, missed out on and tricked out of. From enslavement to current times.

We will continue to fight for our ancestors and family -- ADOS. Then after that we can again concern ourselves with others -- meaning other Black non-ADOS.

Okay, so far I understand.

See now I don't even have to argue with you coz I know that your position is "Do It Right Here"... You're in America for the long term.

So your end goal is America