Cespedes: 229 ab's, .306 average, 13 HR's, 45 RBI's, .541 Slg%, .580 average sinse all star break. 5 tool player
Trout: 297 ab's, .354 average, 15 HR's, 47 RBI's, .596 Slg%
It's not that crazy of a question, it's not his fault the A's get no national exposure.
One is 20 the other is allegedly in his late 20's but you know he probably like 35. Easy choice.
the other is allegedly in his late 20's but you know he probably like 35.
One is 20 the other is allegedly in his late 20's but you know he probably like 35. Easy choice.
I never heard of Cuban ball players falsifying their age.
Soriano is Dominican.
Yeah i edited quickly lol
Not quick enough.