cena has been linked to the bella, mickie james, and tara openly. Not to mention kelly kelly/
melina apparently fukked everybody, who knows anyone else but the first three have been rumored forever with the bella and tara being confirmed. Rock has had legit nobody ever on the divas roster that have been linked to him. And REGARDLESS if it was a dingy spot, dude smashed and she was hype enough to post pics with the belt off rip. Dude is a divorced, free man, and if it was during his marriage so be it...rock is a divorced, free man and once againy ou have posted a link to this thread about what rock did in miami...meanwhile we like in this cena plat thread about him bangin out pornstars, the type you spent 80% of your 9000 posts on this forum talking about and uploading/downloading flicks of them fukking. Cena fukked the ones you watch get fukked. You have a pornstar hoe in your avi for pete's sakes and a quote from one in your sig lol. Cena probably made her say that shyt in person lol
Meanwhile...dewayne pullin 3.0's and gettin his belt took from him by a short order cook...and cena just smirking it up until mania. What happened to rock changing the belt?
i'm having fun breh