Reality Check
Keepin' it 100
Reminds me of that Bullet Club April Fools joke
None of this shyt was shot or filmed in Harlem however
Looks like the one commercial was a ripoff of this
Reminds me of that Bullet Club April Fools joke
None of this shyt was shot or filmed in Harlem however
I've probably jinxed myself and this will get re-upped and laughed by then.... but Im ready for the dialogue in 3 years time when Batista is a bigger star in Hollywood than John and he still hasnt opened a hit by himself
You wait when Bumblebee drops and cena enters the mcu while batista wishes he never supported a creep
CeGOAT stansCena been in movies with Mel Gibson and in one exec produced by Michael Bay so Im sure hes ahead of him on that
Fucck Skyy Vodka
Never Again
i nearly died off a bottle of skyy this past weekend, so this is a heel turn as far as im concerned
Probably wasReminds me of that Bullet Club April Fools joke
None of this shyt was shot or filmed in Harlem however