So you’re telling me that a woman who has her shyt together… looks attractive… and isn’t delusional would call into a social media show because she can’t find a guy?You can’t be serious
Even women with their proverbial “shyt together” are listening to other women and leaving dudes because they are too good
nikkas are not looking at the landscape to all this shyt
Women are destroying themselves, no matter their station in life
Women with good jobs and educations are crashing out too
I don’t know why nikkas want to keep their heads in the sand that the majority of these women ain’t shyt just like men
Yall deflect and add caveats to shyt
With KS yall called it fake
Now with Kendra, nikkas move goalposts
Finding a good woman is a miracle
If you did like I have
Hold on to her but understand even good women fall to the bullshyt of delusions

I’m not arguing against anything else you’re saying. But “good” women exist regardless of how few of them there are. And those few ain’t calling into these shows. Same reason a dude who is really on top of his life ain’t going on the “pop the balloon” shows.
I don’t know why you’re acting like I’m saying most women aren’t delusional… that’s a completely separate point that I didn’t comment on at all.
Kevin Samuels used to clown dudes who came on talking about how there are no good women. Same way he clowned women who said there’s no good men.