I get it, I just think its a bit ruthless to toss current workers in the bushes...Economics is based on equilibrium states. Consider the supply/demand of labor. There will be far more people willing to supply labor for a higher minimum wage, but somewhat fewer people who will provide it (between 0-1 million jobs, according to the CBO) as they won't want to pay the higher wages.
Secondly,16 million families helped, 500,000 hurt, is not a difficult call. A lot of those 16 million get off the dole. The 16 million families will also become more powerful consumers, who will subsequently create jobs through demand, most likely creating low-wage jobs through non-durable consumables - creating a likely equilibrium state over time, but not in the immediate sense.
I also think minorities will disproportionately make up those cut from the work force, making this another screw job by the left.