Are cats better than dogs?

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Mar 24, 2015
What up Op, My son Calypso


All Star
Jul 5, 2015
I haven't got pics but a nice story which includes a talking cat and an altercation with an Alsatian

I was about 23 yrs old I'm relaxing smoking in the backyard which was basically just a patio and shed leading on to an alleyway, so this young cat appears, kids cute asf purrfectly symmetrical face, bright and curious and agile, you know, cat stuff. So he just sits down next to me and we just sit for a bit, he wanders off I go inside, whatever

He turns up a few more times, I'm throwing a bouncy ball around he's chasing it, he starts chillin and just following me about, I notice his name tag says 'BUG' and he made this little like brrrrrrrreowww sound I had never heard from a cat before.. Suited the name Bug in a way I can't quite describe, you would have to hear it

Few days later he turns up again, now he obviously hadn't been 'fixed'.. Don't like the term... Cos he was obviously tomming about and no one seemed to know who's cat he was

So yeah he turns up again and the collar and name tag are gone and his neck has four large lesions looked like he fought a giant rat or something it was wild... But he wouldn't let me get too close, just enough to clean it but then backed off, he was obviously going through trauma. I get him food and amd something to lie on and honestly I would have let him come inside but I didn't know a lot about cats at the time.. Animals carry diseases etc.. I didn't want to call animal protection cos idk if he just ends up getting thrown in an incinerator. But he seemed okay just wounded, and he was eating.

So Bug stayed two or three days in the backyard on the cushion before I just let him in the house, the little fukker had so much character, he would just walk around with me, if he ever wanted to get out of a room he would walk over and just push the door slightly till it clocked against the frame and made a noise to grab my attention.. Kid was smart.

So it's like, we just got to know each other, there was no pet and owner dynamic he was just a cool cat I had met called Bug

This next part can only be corroborated by a few people at a party at mine once. I had told them that Bug says hello to me after he hadn't seen me for a while, I'm high and talking shyt as usual and we are all enjoying ourselves... But it was true, he did say hello to me...

A lot of the times when he had been out for a few days chasing tail or whatever, when I let him in he would make a noise that was fukkin distinctly 'hello' .. and then my name. I mean it was obviously just a noise he made but then why only after I hadn't saw him for a while... Literally would never say it other than that specific situation

So yeah back to the party, I've got about 10-15 people in there it's coxaine ecstasy weed alcohol people were gone or getting there... Bug appears at the patio doors, people notice, and I let him in.. the whole party hears him say hello to me, then he just walks through everyone cool as shyt and goes to chill upstairs. fukkin Jaws dropped I swear 😂 I honestly don't remember much after that I think that kicked the party into overdrive

So yeah that was Bug, knew him for another 9 years before he had to be put down.. fukkin.. he wasn't a big cat he was smart and fast and clever and handsome..we had lot in common lol, also got into a lot of fights.. Had that In common too.. Ended up getting a cut off an infected stray

And also yeah, my neighbours alsatian dog once threw his face through some railings I was leaning against (different house) barking fukk at me for no reason, just some dumbass dog but you know them alsatians were trouble, they don't even breed them any more I don't think? Too aggressive I think I remember

But yeah dog comes at me, Bug flys at the dog scratching at his fukkin eyes and chased him the fukk out of there

Tldr I miss and loved my friend called Bug