Can’t move with me in this digital space
Cot damn my girl does shyt like this all the time...yelling "OW!" and "fukk!/shyt!", or screaming murder when she sees even the smallest spider. I even flat out asked her if that shyt was really fukking necessary.
She also does that shyt where she says half a thought, or yells or something to indirectly get your attention, then pause as if she wants to have you at the edge of your seat. I'll simply tell her to spill it all immediately, or my attention span will make it impossible for me to give a shyt.
fukk this happens to me when I'm driving. My girl is like "WATCH OUT AHHHHH!!!"
Makes me swerve an shyt. I ask her what the problem is. She's like "That guy was getting close". I look around and there is no fukking car anywhere in sight.