Catacomb Kids (Linux, Windows, Mac) (Roguelike Platformer created by a Black Game Developer)

May 10, 2012
There is a new update and Alpha version 0.0.4 is out


What's New?
New level generator! It still has some quirks 'n kinks but I'm finally happy enough with it to let you all have yer various ways with it. This was actually the major feature that made this new build so long in the making. So many edge cases!

Hammers! These sources of blunt-force trauma round out all the various melee weapon classes. Hammers are especially good at moving enemies around, with all three skill tiers coming with enhanced knockback abilities. In addition, daggers now finally have all three skill tiers implemented, meaning all the weapon classes are fully functional!

Shields! Shields mark the beginning of the end of equipment -- with them, all five equipment slots are now able to be filled for the first time in the game's history! They're still not quite done yet, and will eventually have many more varieties and bear greater visual representation as to their qualities. For now though, block stuff by crouching! Shield bash replaces roll. Get hit too many times while blocking and your block will break, sending you tumbling backwards and vulnerable! Different shields have different hit limits.

Audio! Most of the spells have sounds! So does a ton of other stuff! Footsteps for different materials! Low health noise! I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just so excited.

Buttloads! of other changes, tweaks and bugfixes. Most of the major ones are covered in the included changelog but I probably forgot some of the smaller ones because I'm terrible at keeping track of those sorts of things.

Something you'll notice in the changelog, if you dare to read it, is the addition of a new section at the bottom: a "Next Build To-Do" list, followed by the minimum features I hope to have complete before the next build goes out. This is both for your own awareness as well as to help keep me on track with a few short-term goals.

The goals for build 0.0.5 are:

  • Add Poet class skill
  • New tutorial
  • Finally add skeletal mages to the game proper
  • Finally add gorhounds to the game proper (they need a bit more work)
  • New traps
  • Linux version!?
The biggest things will be the new tutorial and the Poet class skill. Build 0.0.5 should be the last update before the alpha goes public.

And Then...?
With the two biggest overhauls (for the forseeable future) now behind us -- those being the overhaul to stats and the new level generator -- I feel much more confident in my ability to provide new builds more quickly without worrying about sending out a completely broken game, so look forward to that. I mean it this time! For real! Believe me!

Catacomb Kids was showcased at Fantastic Arcade in Austin, TX last month. I was there! It was an amazingly fun time and I got to meet a couple of you backers. I'll also be at IndieCade in LA this weekend -- not showing off the game unfortunately, but just hovering around and potentially trying to organize a CK vs mode tournament. If you're in the area as well don't hesitate to shoot me a twoot on the twitters or otherwise seek me out. I'll be the giant floating eyeball shooting lasers at the moon and eating small animals through my mouth-sized pupil.
May 10, 2012

One Year Later...

Posted by FourbitFriday

Well, it's been a little over a year since you all backed this Kickstarter, and it has been a fantastic year that wouldn't have been possible without your support. I know I've been fairly quiet at times, but it hasn't been for lack of progress. Quite the opposite, really -- I have been immersed in the making of this game for a full year now.
While Catacomb Kids is still a ways off from being complete, a great deal of progress has been made, and the game is shaping into something great. I figured a review was in order to show you some of the cool things that we've been up to in the past year!
First off, I spent a good amount of effort rewriting the level generation algorithm from scratch, which now both affords me much more control over level generation, and creates more interesting and diverse levels.

Of course, what's a new generator without new things to fill it? So obviously I added a number of new, deadly traps, like the swinging blades and "stove trap":

In addition, several new enemies have appeared in the 'Combs for your slaying enjoyment, including thieving rats and unflinching Undead Warriors.


The UI has also undergone a fairly major overhaul.

Along with the UI overhaul came major changes to the way Stats and Leveling work, which you can read more about here. With the introduction of Stat Boons to the leveling system, I've so far completed 20 of the Boons which range from Heavy Lifting to more powerful spells.



You can read more about that last Boon, Overload, on the devlog here.
In addition to the Stat Boons, classes now each have their own unique abilities that can be made more powerful by speaking to the Ghost who haunts the 'Combs. You can also gain power through Weapon Skills, which are now functional for all weapon classes -- including the newly-added hammers.

Along with hammers, other equipment has been added like Shields and Footwear, with their own sets of traits and enchantments.


You can read more about shoes and sprinting here. New spells and items have also entered the mix, like Portal, which lets you tackle situations from any angle, and bottles of slime that can slow would-be-pursuers to a crawl.

In addition to all of the above, I've also added a fancy new tutorial, crushed bugs with an unrelenting boot-heel, added new item interactions, generally improved the look and performance of the game, and much, much more.
Not least of all, the game runs on PC, Mac, and Linux! Woo, cross-platform-ness!
I owe you all a huge thanks for supporting me and keeping interest in this project. I've got a big announcement to make in the coming days so sit tight for just a bit longer! In the meantime, you can catch me live-streaming development every Monday on Twitch from 3-7pm PST.
May 10, 2012


Posted by FourbitFriday

The time is nigh! It's been a long time coming, but very soon the game will be available for wider purchase through Steam Early Access and the Humble Widget.
It's a-comin'!
I'll announce the exact date sometime in the next day or two, but in the meantime I wanted to go over what this means for the Kickstarter backers and for those of y'all who have been raring to play the game for so long.

" Early Access?" A cry is heard in the distance. "Why isn't the game done yet!"
Making games is a time-consuming and difficult endeavour even for a full team of developers. These truths are only multiplied by being a small team of 3 people, with myself alone taking on the role of three and a half. This game is gonna take a while longer to finish, but it's already a fun experience that I don't want people to have to wait any longer to play, and it will only get better as development continues.
I'm aware that there has been some concern over the state of Early Access games lately, and though it can be great tool for developers, I think there are many cases where it could be used better.

To this end, here's how we'll be doing things differently:

From here on out there'll be a gameplay build released about once every month, with major Milestone builds being released every three-ish months.

The game's website will soon be updated to provide a comprehensive overview of the game's progress, short- and long-term goals, and a progress bar for the features currently being worked on. The updated site will also have a weekly calendar that shows which days I'll be streaming development, and what I'll be working on during the streams.

The steam community page and game's official forums will remain places for players to voice their opinions and communicate directly with the devs. After each monthly build I'll be hosting an "Open House" Google Hangout, where people can talk to me directly about the game and tell me their Catacomb Dreams and we can chill and drink tea or chicken broth or whatever your thing is.

Those who backed the Kickstarter will, of course, continue to receive DRM-Free builds.

If there are any concerns you have with regards to the game being in Early Access -- anything you've wished other developers would have done better, or done at all, or not done -- let us know so that we can avoid making the same mistakes and keep the game fun and development smooth.

Soon indeed!