How can you mad at the truth
White people be THE softest.
Imagine being mad at people who have never done anything to you and only want to be left alone in peace. That is the height of privilege. They are so bored that they have to invent a reason to be mad.
Better than writing incessant rape babblePandering to black twitter to promote their network,not impressed.
Black people just don't realize black twitter is a billion dollar advertising tool for the European,and you get paid nothing off of it.
They know exactly what to do and how to stir black folks up to get them talking about some bullshyt they want to promote.
And yall fall for it every time
The original vikings/danes were also black men. Believe it or not.
And from the very beginning up until around the 1800s or so, Europe was predominantly ruled over by people of color. Believe it or not. Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay expressing his disdain for that reality and how America was the opportunity for a new beginning for his kind.
There's a new show on Netflix called BRIGERTON. Its set in 1800s England and shows black people in prominent positions. Haven't watched the show yet but in the YouTube comments, cacs are acting like its some fictional agenda to rewrite history when in reality its the closest thing to truth we have seen about European history in the media.
Like you said black people been part of the royal familes in Europe and started all those lineages.
Any links or reading material on this breh??The original vikings/danes were also black men. Believe it or not.
And from the very beginning up until around the 1800s or so, Europe was predominantly ruled over by people of color. Believe it or not. Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay expressing his disdain for that reality and how America was the opportunity for a new beginning for his kind.
Any links or reading material on this breh??