I was telling a girl I know to watch this, not just because it's good, but because it's so current. All 3 seasons are. If you watch this show in 5 years, it won't be the same. The first season already feels somewhat dated, because of how far away 2021 feels.
-Don't want to get too academic, but some key scenes turn around the common question of "So, what do you do?", which everyone has experienced. I read a book called Status and Culture, and it talked abut how people ask that for practical and small talk reasons, or that is kind of the cover, people really ask to ask without asking: how to TREAT you.
After reading that, I can't unread it, and I think of how true it is. We are status checking, when we ask that. Are you on my level? Beneath my level? Am I wasting time talking to you? So I really like those scenes, where they underscore how status obsessed the Mom is. "Oh the club, we know everyone there....they are all decent...."
-The plot line with the three women was again a highlight. The reveal at the hotel was perfect. The acting and directing of the whole "girls trip!!" thing. Why'd you sent US there?
-The yacht scenes were gorgeously shot and acted. Isacs was hilarious as he goes further off the rails. The kind of superficial partyboy frat house dynamics were well acted. Lochlan kind of getting the intro into that kind of ritual, which is still to me, one of the more tiresome aspects of modern socializing. The women seek to be entertained, the men must entertain them. The conversation must be extremely light. Lets role play frat party dynamics until we are black out drunk and then attempt to have sex. Then tell our friends the next day.
-The Goggins remains the weakest. It's the writing. He's such a great actor, but he has nothing to do here. Except for the "fukking clowns" part, that reminded me of me.
-The Gary character is pretty underwritten. He has never thought of a back story, or a cover story, and rides around on a 30M yacht at a White Lotus? It doesn't have to be airtight for a show like this, but pretty under done.
-That was a convention of tax cheats and con men.....I'm sure y'all cheat on your taxes Mom.....well not so much we have to flee to Thailand