sounds like he speaks from experience
captaincharisma ***** PLATINUM ***** Joined May 1, 2012 Messages 5,405 Reputation 301 Daps 5,029 Reppin NYC Jun 20, 2012 #16 sounds like he speaks from experience
Art Barr INVADING SOHH CHAMPION Joined Apr 30, 2012 Messages 66,686 Reputation 13,223 Daps 93,002 Reppin CHICAGO Jun 20, 2012 #17 one of the weakest wackest of all time. stfu up,.…b!! it isn't like you steiner and really were athletically one of the best all time. who was really held back,......... art barr
one of the weakest wackest of all time. stfu up,.…b!! it isn't like you steiner and really were athletically one of the best all time. who was really held back,......... art barr