Prosperity, longevity and a sound mind.
Yes, because they were former British territories. Only reason dude.
Bahamas isn't part of the Caribbean either. Its in the Atlantic ocean. You really going to mention Mexico?![]()

Yes, because they were former British territories. Only reason dude.
Bahamas isn't part of the Caribbean either. Its in the Atlantic ocean. You really going to mention Mexico?![]()
To me in order to be a Caribbean country you have to be an island located in the Caribbean sea. You even have people that argue that Honduras, Panama, Coasta Rica, Colombia and Venezuela are part of the Caribbean. And I why wouldn't they? Some people consider Guyana and Belize part of it. So why aren't those other countries part of the Caribbean to? They are in the same region.
i stand corrected then.
BTW you can make an argument that Trinidad is in SOUTH America based on its proximity to it
Been to LA & DC
I've seen enough of the US, and the rest of the world to notice that there's a stark difference in the femininity of women in the US and chicks in other countries. Maybe it has something to do with women staying at home longer, I don't know what is the cause, but there is a difference.
Its not though. Its in the Atlantic. Google it if you don't believe me.nikka we are a part of the caribbean fukk u tryna say
we do be eating good off that american money tho
Yeah, I see what you're saying.
i stand corrected then.
BTW you can make an argument that Trinidad is in SOUTH America based on its proximity to it.![]()
Then dump the Bahamas and Trinidad while you're at itTo me in order to be a Caribbean country you have to be an island located in the Caribbean sea. You even have people that argue that Honduras, Panama, Coasta Rica, Colombia and Venezuela are part of the Caribbean. And I why wouldn't they? Some people consider Guyana and Belize part of it. So why aren't those other countries part of the Caribbean to? They are in the same region.
I thought you were referring to pure physicality not femininity
There are a lot of diverse Black diasporas in a lot of these cities so come across some unique blends![]()
i stand corrected then.
BTW you can make an argument that Trinidad is in SOUTH America based on its proximity to it.![]()
I think what it really boils down to is that American women as a whole are socompared to their sisters in South America, Africa and the Caribbean.
It's not even remotely close if we're talking looks breh, the numbers just make it impossible for the 30-40 million women of color in the US to compete with the sheer volume of women outside of it.
Trinidad is a part of the South American continental plate so technically its S.America but its culturally Caribbean. I had to study this exact map like a nut for a novel I'm writing. I still got a lot I need to figure out about that part of the world.
They all got their pluses imo, I try not to rate em from a top down scale cuz they all black women. The ones from exotic places prolly draw us in more cuz we used to American women, but I just look at them for their positives cuz you just as easily could draw negatives from each. Caribbean chicks can be batshyt crazy, Black American chicks can be overly aggressive, some African women can be too prude and traditional, I ain't mess with no Black South American chicks so I dunno but they prolly like Caribs. That's why I stick to the positives, all of em got something that I love about em. All jokes aside tho, if I get rich I want to take a private boat to each island on some "Pirates of the p*ssybbean" type shyt. I already know them bytches down for the fukkfest.![]()
you dont know what you talking about bruhWe rate them on everything else
It's not even about being exotic, our culture just produces shyt people as a whole, men and women alike. I'm not saying all women outside the US are better, but the odds are better of finding a quality female that also happens to be drop dead gorgeous.