Captain Marvel (Official Thread) March 8th 2019: 7th Marvel Film To Cross 1B$


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Not so much as hard as for any film I have a dislike for. It just amazes me that I get reported purely because I posted a video that makes valid points in relation to what this thread is about. Again, I could care less what this dude said in different videos unrelated to this thread. And it is a weak way to dismiss someone just because of things he or she have said unrelated to the subject at hand. Had it been anyone that y'all respect saying it, does that mean you'll listen THEN? That's a bit sheep-ish to me.
Someone made the point and we discussed it earlier in this thread. So you were late with this point. And my point is the Dad is fictional, it's really nothing to be mad about. No real Black man was eliminated from the cannon.
I got nothing to do with bans or warnings and I never complain to mods about other posters so that you need to take up with someone else.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Where was he 2nd fiddle and apparently YOU DO NOT MIND if he was or wasn't if you are keeping the same energy. I have no problem to say that Oliver's children are annoying, but the girl's character is consistent to the issues SHE has... she pushes everyone around and push people away because of problems she's dealing with. That's WAY DIFFERENT from Carol Danvers who has no emotional conflict whatsoever and is being hero worshipped.

Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute?

Don’t put words in mouth or twist it.:stopitslime:

I just specifically gave an example of how he was 2nd fiddle and I acknowledged it. :what:

Granted I didn’t go as hard on something as major as it as you’re going hard with something minor like this but that don’t mean “I didn’t mind it”

That statement can be used actually against you cuz you clearly brushed over that scene

And you’re right it is way different as last night they showed the world “the professional established BLACK MAN who’s a seasoned crime fighter” is inferior to the “amateur country inexperienced WHITE GIRL with attitude.”

Mar 29, 2014
This felt like a Scarlett witch movie rather than a Carol Danvers movie. Carol struggles with insecurity and second-guessing her actions. She's also very ambitious and wonders why she was isn't more well known,and respected. Wanda Maximoff struggles with people lying to her and manipulating her (Magneto and Quicksilver).


Jun 26, 2012
Good First movie, although I was bored in certain moments, and Bree Larson is just a goofy person to me for some reason.

Does this mean Monica will eventually lead the Avengers? Will they bring in the X-Men? I expect her to pop up in Doctor Strange films maybe?

According to Feige, Carol Danvers is going to lead in future films, so the answer is no...which was part of my own gripe. X-Men definitely likely into the MCU but I am not sure they'll run the classic Rogue origin story since they made so many changes in the MCU as it is (which is a bit of irony considering once upon a time, Marvel took pride in staying true to the source material). Possibly will do a cameo with Doctor Strange or rather Doctor Strange is going to cameos in her movies.


Jun 26, 2012
Someone made the point and we discussed it earlier in this thread. So you were late with this point. And my point is the Dad is fictional, it's really nothing to be mad about. No real Black man was eliminated from the cannon.
I got nothing to do with bans or warnings and I never complain to mods about other posters so that you need to take up with someone else.

Yea, I missed out any conversation prior to my initial post. As to your point. I don't think the issue was it being a fiction character rather than producing a negative stereotype, like OF COURSE Monica is living in a single-parent/mother household and no father figure in the scene. It's pointing to the stereotype of black families are without their fathers. But being that this is a feminist film, I sorta got it as well as the issue with Nick Fury being a bit emasculated and other feminist themes and symbolism throughout. I wasn't tripping off that. Had I was, then my issue would of been over how they changed Mar-Vell from a he to a she.

My whole issue is first and foremost, why Feige decided Carol Danvers? Was it to satisfy the whole #metoo & #timesup group where white women hijacked these movements that were started by black women? What was wrong with doing Monica Rambeau, who was historically a more popular character and narratively made more sense as someone who would eventually lead the Avengers which did happen in the comics. Was it because it is hard for people to imagine the face of Marvel or someone who is leader of the Avenger being a black woman? Never the less, he chose Carol Danvers and that's fine, and it would of been cool had the initial idea was ol' girl from the new "She's Gotta Have It" Netflix series was Monica as it was rumored, but it was scrapped. And I dunno how that would look like, but Feige greenlit this notion of having Monica be a little girl dealing with a single mother (stereotype again) and her "hero" is a white woman is a bit insulting. It's insulting for black women and for those who follow the comics.

There's another person who pointed out that Marvel itself was trying to erased or whitewash Monica even before the release of this film. So, it is an issue that I felt needed to be addressed.



Jun 26, 2012
Whoa whoa whoa wait a minute?

Don’t put words in mouth or twist it.:stopitslime:

I just specifically gave an example of how he was 2nd fiddle and I acknowledged it. :what:

Granted I didn’t go as hard on something as major as it as you’re going hard with something minor like this but that don’t mean “I didn’t mind it”

That statement can be used actually against you cuz you clearly brushed over that scene

And you’re right it is way different as last night they showed the world “the professional established BLACK MAN who’s a seasoned crime fighter” is inferior to the “amateur country inexperienced WHITE GIRL with attitude.”


You do realize that there was nothing inexperienced about that white girl, being who she was trained and mentored under... and at no point did it show that professionally established black man being inferior. You making that part up. The only person that was acting weak and inferior was Ollie's son.


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
You do realize that there was nothing inexperienced about that white girl, being who she was trained and mentored under... and at no point did it show that professionally established black man being inferior. You making that part up. The only person that was acting weak and inferior was Ollie's son.
she quizzed him about events in his life that only HE would know to prove he wasnt a Skrull eventhough she JUST met him and has no idea who he is and what went on in his life prior ( she doesnt even know what went on in her own life prior ) - she had to tell him to stop playin with a damn cat during an escape , sent him to go watch the kid and had him washing dishes at the end of the movie

sounds pretty subordinate to me


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Yea, I missed out any conversation prior to my initial post. As to your point. I don't think the issue was it being a fiction character rather than producing a negative stereotype, like OF COURSE Monica is living in a single-parent/mother household and no father figure in the scene. It's pointing to the stereotype of black families are without their fathers. But being that this is a feminist film, I sorta got it as well as the issue with Nick Fury being a bit emasculated and other feminist themes and symbolism throughout. I wasn't tripping off that. Had I was, then my issue would of been over how they changed Mar-Vell from a he to a she.

My whole issue is first and foremost, why Feige decided Carol Danvers? Was it to satisfy the whole #metoo & #timesup group where white women hijacked these movements that were started by black women? What was wrong with doing Monica Rambeau, who was historically a more popular character and narratively made more sense as someone who would eventually lead the Avengers which did happen in the comics. Was it because it is hard for people to imagine the face of Marvel or someone who is leader of the Avenger being a black woman? Never the less, he chose Carol Danvers and that's fine, and it would of been cool had the initial idea was ol' girl from the new "She's Gotta Have It" Netflix series was Monica as it was rumored, but it was scrapped. And I dunno how that would look like, but Feige greenlit this notion of having Monica be a little girl dealing with a single mother (stereotype again) and her "hero" is a white woman is a bit insulting. It's insulting for black women and for those who follow the comics.

There's another person who pointed out that Marvel itself was trying to erased or whitewash Monica even before the release of this film. So, it is an issue that I felt needed to be addressed.

If you are doing a feminist movie having a single Mom lays on the theme thick. It was probably unnecessary but it's not a big deal. She is a side character in this movie.
Maybe he just prefers Carol, Feige is white and in modern comics she is Captain Marvel. Monica hasn't been Captain Marvel for awhile.
The woman from She's Gotta Have It was replaced because of scheduling conflicts. She wasn't going to play Monica, she was playing Maria.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
You do realize that there was nothing inexperienced about that white girl, being who she was trained and mentored under... and at no point did it show that professionally established black man being inferior. You making that part up. The only person that was acting weak and inferior was Ollie's son.

Nicca..... if I have To explain this one more time:snoop::pachaha:

Inexperienced as.... yes she was “trained at home” but that was basically glorified personal MMA/Cross Fit training.

She wasn’t field or combat/BATTLE trained and tested experience wise.

Bruh, HE’S THE SUPER HERO GREEN ARROW and is struggling and getting beat up by one dude while she singlehanded (with no difficulty) takes down waves of troops coming at her.

Then STILL goes over to beat up the one guy that was on top of him whooping his ass.:what:

How am I making up what actually happened on the show?:mindblown:

If you don’t look at that as the “Black Guy looking inferior to her.” Having to need for her “Mary Sue” ass to come help get that big white guy off him then I don’t know what to tell you.:wtf:



Jun 26, 2012
If you are doing a feminist movie having a single Mom lays on the theme thick. It was probably unnecessary but it's not a big deal. She is a side character in this movie.
Maybe he just prefers Carol, Feige is white and in modern comics she is Captain Marvel. Monica hasn't been Captain Marvel for awhile.
The woman from She's Gotta Have It was replaced because of scheduling conflicts. She wasn't going to play Monica, she was playing Maria.

Again that wasn't the main issue. It IS a negative stereotype. But the issue wasn't solely about single parenthood. The issue was about this being another example of how we are MARGINALIZE or viewed on screen. And you would of thought, especially with the mega-success of Black Panther that Marvel and in particular Feige would of understood the sensitivity in handling that. It is the problem when white liberals push a progressive message or movement, it's always with some kind of downgrade, belittlement, pure ignorance in how they view black people whether it is intentionally or unintentionally. The Green Book is a PRIME example of that. So, calling it out in this film should be worth stating.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Again that wasn't the main issue. It IS a negative stereotype. But the issue wasn't solely about single parenthood. The issue was about this being another example of how we are MARGINALIZE or viewed on screen. And you would of thought, especially with the mega-success of Black Panther that Marvel and in particular Feige would of understood the sensitivity in handling that. It is the problem when white liberals push a progressive message or movement, it's always with some kind of downgrade, belittlement, pure ignorance in how they view black people whether it is intentionally or unintentionally. The Green Book is a PRIME example of that. So, calling it out in this film should be worth stating.
If we keep it real the original Captain Marvel is a white male. But they went in a different direction based on the CURRENT comics. Feige is a white guy you're expecting too much from him. And really with all your complaints the movie is going to do great. You even paid to see it. lol And I stated previously someone already brought this up in this thread so it was ALREADY stated.


Jun 26, 2012
Nicca..... if I have To explain this one more time:snoop::pachaha:

Inexperienced as.... yes she was “trained at home” but that was basically glorified personal MMA/Cross Fit training.

She wasn’t field or combat/BATTLE trained and tested experience wise.

Bruh, HE’S THE SUPER HERO GREEN ARROW and is struggling and getting beat up by one dude while she singlehanded (with no difficulty) takes down waves of troops coming at her.

Then STILL goes over to beat up the one guy that was on top of him whooping his ass.:what:

How am I making up what actually happened on the show?:mindblown:

If you don’t look at that as the “Black Guy looking inferior to her.” Having to need for her “Mary Sue” ass to come help get that big white guy off him then I don’t know what to tell you.:wtf:


Nobody struggled in that episode outside of the girl having an annoying hissy-fit over vigilantism. Yea, you making things up now. Her being a savage is based on how she was trained and how she was holding it down not just in last night's episode but throughout this season. You had a BETTER argument made in their interracial implied romance. But ain't nothing in there where it should Conner Hawke being weak or passive.

You barking up a REACH with that one. Just admit that they screwed over Monica character to a black little girl who's idolize a white woman as a superhero.


Jun 26, 2012
If we keep it real the original Captain Marvel is a white male. But they went in a different direction based on the CURRENT comics. Feige is a white guy you're expecting too much from him. And really with all your complaints the movie is going to do great. You even paid to see it. lol And I stated previously someone already brought this up in this thread so it was ALREADY stated.

Feige being a white guy, it's a lame excuse. He kneeled down to white feminism. And again that's fine, but at least not at the expense of the black woman. Or black men rather, but in this case the black woman. White women already received a movie for them with Wonder Woman. What is wrong with him in the claim of being so "progressive" and trying to have a "game changer" which he promoted by having the film about MONICA, especially when she was Captain Marvel BEFORE Carol was? And being that he refuse to go there, at the very least should of given more respect to the character and not have it made where not only a stereotype, but have it where she was looking UP TO Carol Danvers as her white savior as a child. That is insulting. For a long time black people have issues with how we been portrayed in media, entertainment and pictures. It is WHY black people by the masses supported Black Panther because it was a film that was atypical, and even in THAT film there some personal issue I have that is for another time to discuss, but with that assumption of more PROPER REPRESENTATION, it is no excuse to got backwards in that. I can ONLY HOPE which I have my doubts that they'll rectify it.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Nobody struggled in that episode outside of the girl having an annoying hissy-fit over vigilantism. Yea, you making things up now. Her being a savage is based on how she was trained and how she was holding it down not just in last night's episode but throughout this season. You had a BETTER argument made in their interracial implied romance. But ain't nothing in there where it should Conner Hawke being weak or passive.

You barking up a REACH with that one. Just admit that they screwed over Monica character to a black little girl who's idolize a white woman as a superhero.

@jayshiggs you see what he doing right:mjlol:

Wait Gluv:mjlol:.... cuz you keep skipping over that specific scene in discussion..... for like the 4th time.

Stop trynna dance around, twist and bring up other irrelevant shyt right now.:russ:

You keep saying I’m making stuff up but what did I make up? I’m gonna do this one last time line for line again Go back and look at the ep;

Did you not see when the amateur white girl and Super Hero Black Guy went into that room with enemies.

He squared up with 1 Guy

She took on and took down the rest of the guys in the room.

Then she looks over and see the black guy on his back getting beat up

She walks over to him with a smirk and casually helps him out by finishing the enemy herself.

Where am I’m reaching? And how did that make Connor look strong?

Mind you earlier in the ep she single handedly (with no back up) took down even MORE armed soldiers with no difficulty.



Jun 26, 2012
@jayshiggs you see what he doing right:mjlol:

Wait Gluv:mjlol:.... cuz you keep skipping over that specific scene in discussion..... for like the 4th time.

Stop trynna dance around, twist and bring up other irrelevant shyt right now.:russ:

You keep saying I’m making stuff up but what did I make up? I’m gonna do this one last time line for line again Go back and look at the ep;

Did you not see when the amateur white girl and Super Hero Black Guy went into that room with enemies.

He squared up with 1 Guy

She took on and took down the rest of the guys in the room.

Then she looks over and see the black guy on his back getting beat up

She walks over to him with a smirk and casually helps him out by finishing the enemy herself.

Where am I’m reaching? And how did that make Connor look strong?

Mind you earlier in the ep she single handedly (with no back up) took down even MORE armed soldiers with no difficulty.


You talking about a scene that hold ZERO relevancy. Grasping for straws to make a straw man argument. Last night's episode was an EMSEMBLE episode. The lead character of the series wasn't even featured. Your entire argument holds no weight. You talking about a scene in your own perspective. I'm talking about an entire FILM in which a character is marginalized to something that she never was which is a powerless black girl who idolized a white superhero. What you are talking about isn't remotely the same and if it was, it further prove my point about Hollywood and how they treat us on those mediums where on the big screen or the small one. So what is really your point? Unless you took exception of it, and if that was the case why you are so OKAY with Monica?