I'm not saying the movie didn't suck, I'm saying the RT audience score was tanked.
Are you dumb, I'm agreeing with youBecause Disney gave the audience a slap to the face. People invested so much time and money in this franchise and Disney destroyed it.
What's the problem?
Uh you could be right but didnt The Force Awakens have a great audience score? Doesnt Wonder Woman have a great audience score?Because angry white nerds bombarded the reviews with racist and sexist comments because of Rey and Rose, yeah.
Uh you could be right but didnt The Force Awakens have a great audience score? Doesnt Wonder Woman have a great audience score?
Uh you could be right but didnt The Force Awakens have a great audience score? Doesnt Wonder Woman have a great audience score?
Facts...but it's all about The Last Jedi with them.
Yall can believe what yall want thoughIn a call with The Verge, a spokesperson said Rotten Tomatoes (which is owned by ticketing platform Fandango) has faced a new level of review-bombing over the past 18 months. She said only a few films have been seriously targeted — including Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Black Panther, two big franchise installments that implicitly or explicitly critiqued racism and sexism. But trolls are becoming a standard risk for any big movie that’s considered too feminist or anti-racist, to the point that studios are actively trying to counter trolls themselves.
C’mon now. This man’s got every right to share his opinion on this movie he hasn’t seen.
Gon head @Still FloW. Feel free to copy and paste quotes from the negative reviews you’ve bookmarked.
Going a little overboard on the gimmick now brehyou sucking marveLs dikk at every turn and blaaming men for the poor review. all im doing is showing how stupid you stans are to think women are some unified robots who dont have opinions. majority of them think the movie is ass too.. foh
I respect that you keep your foot on their conspiracy theory necks at all times
How was BP reviewed bombed?
For a brief moment this week, Black Panther scored a rare 100 per cent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes – until Irish critic Ed Power weighed in with his miserly three-star review, thus dragging it down a whole point.
That's as close to universal acclaim as a movie gets, but when the audience scores come after it opens to the general public next week, don't be surprised if Black Panther's rating takes a tumble.
Rotten Tomatoes has become a battleground in the culture wars, and the only thing more likely to inflame the so-called alt-right than a female superhero (hello Wonder Woman) is a black one.
Black Panther is an unabashed rallying cry to black power, a debate about the best path to justice for African-Americans masquerading as a superhero film. OK, it is a superhero film too. But in pitting two versions of the titular character against each other – one advocating violent revolution, a la Malcolm X, the other a Martin Luther King-informed philosophy of patience and reserve – it is also the most interesting and politically charged superhero movie since the first Captain America film (that one was a meditation on propaganda and the machinery of war, in case you're wondering).
The other weekend, Facebook took the unusual step of shutting down a group calling itself Down with Disney's Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys, allegedly for violating community standards. The group was promoting as an "event" a campaign to "Give Black Panther a rotten audience score on Rotten Tomatoes". By the time it was shut down, 3700 people had indicated their intention to participate. Another 1800 were considering it.
The group claimed to be motivated by a belief that critics are being "bought off" by Disney to support the direction it has taken with Star Wars and its Marvel movies. It also claims those critics are being unduly harsh on rival studio Warner Bros' DC superhero films.
The group also claimed it had been behind a campaign that targeted Star Wars: The Last Jedi in December (though serious doubt has been cast upon its assertion that it did so using bots).
Going a little overboard on the gimmick now breh
Can we cool it with your constant references about sucking dikk too![]()