No, that’s not accurate and not what has been said from both Fiegie and the directors of these movies themselves.

No, that’s not accurate and not what has been said from both Fiegie and the directors of these movies themselves.
Why? You're just making up quotes now"a 40 year old white male wasnt suppose to get a Wrinkle in Time"
" I dont want white men reviewing my movies"
"a wrinkle in time was a love letter written to black women"
lets brake this down
so she says a wrinkle in time was a love letter to black women cries for more diversity in Hollywood all while taking a possible black role from a black women.
That is hypocritical as fukk my breh.
the fact hollyweird WOULD give the role to a sister or not is another discussion.
also replace "white " with "black" and say what i wrote in quotes before out loud
They either going by the books or they arent.
All these franchises are way past that at this point man. From MCU, DCU, Former FCUOM and SCUOM.
That’s irrelevant
Then you proven my point.
Huh JLA is kind of similar to the new 52 relaunch ,AOU is literally 100% nothing at all like age of ultron even venom is closer to his lethal protector storyline than AOU is to the storyMaybe but it’s a pivot from the start of this discussion. I’m not even sure how or why we got here.
Some of these movies stray completely away from the books (ala Venom, Justice League), some try to use as much as they can or go as far as they can with the books within reason (AoU, Green Lantern).
My G, I’m gonna be honest, I don’t even know what we doing anymore here and I didn’t think this was a contest
Huh JLA is kind of similar to the new 52 relaunch ,AOU is literally 100% nothing at all like age of ultron even venom is closer to his lethal protector storyline than AOU is to the storythis is why I say yoir trolling you literally only care about mcu which is fine but when others who are more familiar with the product don’t like the changes . I’m gonna try and explain captain marvel is kind of like comic book JLA Cyborg , how they made him a bigger part of the dc they did that with carol to the point she’s the new Ironman in civil war 2. She’s not particularly popular for the push she’s getting either
There was a lot of context that was lost for you. And I get it.... but when you come to the conclusions you come to without it...
...It completely throws off the point you’re trynna make.
Key thing I said is “as far as they can go within reason.” They don’t have all the properties so they had to work around it as best as possible... which is what happened with AOU
Also, Lethal Protector storyline, I could’ve sworn the main reason he went to SF was due to an agreement with Spider-Man? Among some other things
I don’t and won’t claim to be a 110% knowledgeable person on EVERY storyline, but I know enough and far more that the average casual which is like 85% of the people that go see these films
they had pym though, and he was the core of aou. i still dont know why they tried it without him
It was something they decided in the rewrites plus at the time if I recall they were still working the details out on the AntMan movie and as we see they going with Scott instead
Wait wiat so you don’t know there’s An insane pointless event callled age of ultronWhat?
There was a lot of context that was lost for you. And I get it.... but when you come to the conclusions you come to without it...
...It completely throws off the point you’re trynna make.
Key thing I said is “as far as they can go within reason.” They don’t have all the properties so they had to work around it as best as possible... which is what happened with AOU
Also, Lethal Protector storyline, I could’ve sworn the main reason he went to SF was due to an agreement with Spider-Man? Among some other things
I don’t and won’t claim to be a 110% knowledgeable person on EVERY storyline, but I know enough and far more that the average casual which is like 85% of the people that go see these films
the thing is pym doesnt have to be young to make aou work. in fact being older would be better for the kind of story it was
Wait wiat so you don’t know there’s An insane pointless event callled age of ultronI’m not even discussing the origin of ultron that they changed in the movie I’m referencing the storyline the movie is named after
Age of Ultron - Wikipedia
Story was kind of terrible
My point was that AOU is a terrible example to say it was true to the comics breh lolNo, that’s not what I implied
I didn’t say that at all.
My point was that AOU is a terrible example to say it was true to the comics breh lol