Whedon's Hulk >>>>>>>>>>> everything since he left.Watch red hulk give the actual hulk scenes we've been wanting from banner all these years
What you don't adore hispter hulk?Whedon's Hulk >>>>>>>>>>> everything since he left.
action is gonna be terriblethat signature falcon-cap kick-twist attack move ain't as cool as someone behind the camera seems to think it is.
this film will depend on the script and actor interplay. harrison ford and breh cap are almost guaranteed to do a good job.
from that trailer it looks like a souped up version of TFAWS (which is not a good thing).
that is how you build narrative tension. this film ain't gonna have it.
Day one
Although im curious about what the original vision was before the reshoots
I see lil clip cut of that Zionist
I'm one of the biggest post Endgame critics on here for how borderline bad Marvel has been, and will continue to call a spade a spade, but you acting like they're going to put THIS much exposition in a trailer.
I don't know if it will be good yet, but what has me hype is Mackie is actually looking leading man/Captain America-ish for maybe the first time in his entire career. I'll give this movie some grace until it comes out.