Captain America, Brave New World Official Thread


Nov 18, 2016
There won't be any storm because everyone knows a supporting cast member, senior citizen age, dying of natural causes is not the same as a lead actor, in the prime of his life dying from. a disease no one knew he had. Stop trying to create controversy!
i already see it starting in the bp 2 thread and twitter :dead:

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
Maybe Wakanda can assist Mackie and give him a better suit and the herb. Because him not getting the serum and depending on a jetpack and wings to protect him against powered supervillains is :mjpls:
Basically saying make him not falcon then. :mjlol:
His superpower is flight, thats who is and always will be.


Aug 6, 2012
Basically saying make him not falcon then. :mjlol:
His superpower is flight, thats who is and always will be.
his comics book superpower as in a real superpower that not just a jet-pack like rocket man is
Avian Telepathy: This link is strongest with his companion Redwing but he is also able to extend his empathic link to other birds making it possible for him to see through their eyes.[1] He has also shown the ability to control birds.[38] He is also a skilled handler and trainer of birds even without his mental powers.[10] These abilities apply to the entirety of birds, including at some extent of telepathic reading to Inhuman Bird People.[65] Nick Fury's intel classified him as power level 6.[66] Allegedly, Sam was given the ability to telepathically link with birds by the Red Skull using the Cosmic Cube.[12]
I wish they would have gave the movie version of him Electronic Telepathy, Electronic Telepathy - TV Tropes
a sub-trope of Telepathy. In most cases, characters using telepathic powers will do so by using some kind of supernatural force or a highly evolved biological mechanism that comes thanks to being a Sufficiently Advanced Alien. However, in some cases, a character will have no natural or supernatural telepathic ability and instead use a Brain/Computer Interface to gain this power. In this form of telepathy, thoughts are converted from impulses in the brain (electric activity produced by neuron reaction potentials) into digital signals that can then be broadcast artificially to another e-telepath using radio waves or some other form of wireless communication. Obviously, this can lead to Mental Fusion or even a Hive Mind, just as non-technological telepathy can.

This form of telepathy is different from others in that a person must be actively transmitting a signal in order for another to receive it. However, it is possible for an enterprising cyborg to "mind hack" another user of an implant and monitor their thoughts without their permission, similar to infecting a computer with spyware.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Maybe Wakanda can assist Mackie and give him a better suit and the herb. Because him not getting the serum and depending on a jetpack and wings to protect him against powered supervillains is :mjpls:
No he just plans ahead like Batman and is secretly a psycho who is with the shyts like Joker so he'll be fine. lol


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Maybe Wakanda can assist Mackie and give him a better suit and the herb. Because him not getting the serum and depending on a jetpack and wings to protect him against powered supervillains is :mjpls:
I would definitely like to see Sam get some kind of power. It would go a long way to establishing his legitimacy when doing Steve Rogers type of fight scenes. I know Mackie says he wants an elevator scene like WS, but right now that wouldn't make sense. He needs powers.
Basically saying make him not falcon then. :mjlol:
His superpower is flight, thats who is and always will be.
Then they better give him those abilities.


May 6, 2012
I would definitely like to see Sam get some kind of power. It would go a long way to establishing his legitimacy when doing Steve Rogers type of fight scenes. I know Mackie says he wants an elevator scene like WS, but right now that wouldn't make sense. He needs powers.

Then they better give him those abilities.

she could be the way sam get bird telepathy and super soldier level strength with out taking a super soldier serum

‘Captain America: New World Order’ Casts Shira Haas as Sabra and Tim Blake Nelson as The Leader




Sabra is a mutant who possesses various superhuman attributes:

  • Superhuman Strength: Sabra possesses superhuman strength sufficient to lift about 50 tons with supreme effort.
  • Superhuman Speed: Sabra can run and move and speeds surpassing those of the finest human athlete. At her peak, Sabra can reach a top speed of about 60 miles per hour.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Sabra's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. She can physically exert herself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in her blood begins to affect her.
  • Superhuman Agility: Sabra's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: Sabra's reflexes are similarly enhanced and are about twice as fast as those of the finest human athlete.
  • Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Sabra's body are much harder and more resistant to physical injury than the bodily tissues of a normal human. She can withstand great impact forces, high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without being injured.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor:Despite her high resistance, it is possible to cause Sabra physical injury. If she is injured, she can rapidly heal damaged tissue about 3 times faster and more extensively than an ordinary human. However, she can't regenerate missing limbs or organs.
    • Life-energy Transfer & Power Bestowal: She is also able to charge other individuals by transferring to them her own life energy, in the process enhancing their physical state of health (she has twice used this ability to save dying individuals) and granting them low-level super-powers, which are apparently at random and otherwise unrelated to Sabra's own mutant powers (such as the wind-generating powers given to a woman who took the costumed identity Windstorm).[7] The recipient retains their new powers until Sabra herself decides to withdraw them by retrieving her life energy. Her standard power levels drop when she gives away her life energy (she has been shown losing up to half her natural physical power), but they return to normal once she takes back her life energy.


Sabra is a formidable and experienced combatant, having been trained in Krav Maga, in both armed and unarmed combat by the Israeli military, as well as police investigation techniques and intelligence gathering.



Sabra utilizes wrist gauntlets that fire plasma bursts and cape that fires paralyzing quills. Her costume has been known to change frequently depending upon her mission and as technology improves.


Sabra possesses the standard weapons and combat training given to members of the Israeli military.


Sabra cape houses certain anti-gravity devices, enabling her to fly through the air at speeds greater than 300 miles per hour.


  • "Sabra" means both a native of Israel and a kind of prickly pear.
  • Ruth's last name was originally "Ben-Sera"[2] during her first active appearance, but was later moved to Bat-Seraph, seemingly a corrected transcription of Hebrew.
    • Her surname, in Hebrew, declares her the "son of Seraph".

See Also​

could be how sam get's a power upgrade in the mcu :jbhmm:
  • Life-energy Transfer & Power Bestowal: She is also able to charge other individuals by transferring to them her own life energy, in the process enhancing their physical state of health (she has twice used this ability to save dying individuals) and granting them low-level super-powers, which are apparently at random and otherwise unrelated to Sabra's own mutant powers (such as the wind-generating powers given to a woman who took the costumed identity Windstorm).[7] The recipient retains their new powers until Sabra herself decides to withdraw them by retrieving her life energy. Her standard power levels drop when she gives away her life energy (she has been shown losing up to half her natural physical power), but they return to normal once she takes back her life energy.
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