Canibus Now A HVAC Tech? Gets Called Out By M-80 A Day After Chino XL Passing For Bad Business (Failure to do Chino XL x Canibus LP, Stu Bangas LP+)


Sep 20, 2014
I come across a post by M-80 or Matthew Markoff within Canibus Group. Normally M-80 is updating Canibus Fans on his movements and new music.

Today he posted a status in the group that stated

"Today was officially my Last Day Working with Canibus!!"

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A member "Joel Branch" asked him what had happened and his reply was

Joel Branch


Bis got paid in full to do an album produced by Stu Bangas from a 3rd party label 4 years ago and didn't do 1 song

Bis got paid 2.5 years ago to do a full acoustic Bis Hits Cover album with Ross May from Bars & Guitars and has not recorded a single song nor been in contact to coordinate any works with Ross.

Bis got paid 1.5 years ago to do the Bis x Chino album and while Chino has been on top of all his contractual obligations, Bis is over a year behind schedule and the label that advanced the money is sick of all his lies and excuses. Literally told the label he didn't record the songs because he believed the world was going to end but that didn't stop him from reporting to his job as an HVAC Technician everyday. Bis and Chino stood to make 6 figures from the release x tour x merch and Bis still chose to go work a normal job.

Then Bis was paid to promote the release of the SLICC vinyls on his IG for 1 month and made 1 post and refused to do the rest citing vinyls as "out of style acetate Productions of music" like a true fukking moron. It's your album idiot!

In October 2021 I gave Bis $30k cash and told him I would pay him every month whatever he made at his job just to become a rapper again. From Oct 2021-Oct 2022 I made him his work salary x 2.8 and this fukking piece of fukk still chose to go work a normal job versus just being Canibus the rapper.

I don't have a problem with anyone who wants to quit rap and work a normal job if that's what your heart desires but I do have a problem with using me, a person whose name is respected in the industry, to yap people for money and not deliver the goods.

Then Bis teamed up with the Crypto currency weirdo, hence why his IG page looks like complete fukkery instead of sticking to the plan and just releasing music and making x2+ what he would make at work every year. Clearly Canibus didn't become a Crypto Millionaire like his friend promised and I'm sure whoever ordered merch from that other Cani site or bought a Canibus NFT or a Canibus Bitcoin probably regrets it.

I don't tolerate business fukkery when I'm 2 feet in the game and getting better year after year and he has a pinky toe still in the shyt. Let him become an adult and man up for his own bullshyt for the 1st time in his entire life.

Mind you Bis doesn't owe me a single solitary dollar but I'm not going to stand by while he makes a mockery of the last few people that actually want to partake in ensuring new Canibus music gets released.

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[/b] [/egg]

The group is Canibus on Facebook.
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All Star
Jul 17, 2012
Bikini Bottom
I'll never forget before Notebook-gate that $70 dollar bundle CD package that had a bunch of pre orders that Canibus never delivered on. A bunch of his fans were complaining that Bus took their money and ran only to make future albums that had nothing to do with that $70 dollar bundle. There were numerous complaints at the time but as time went on you stopped hearing about it because the fans who did the pre order thing just took their L so reading this now I'm not surprised.

With that said I'll still never forget what Ras Kass said about M80 so it ain't like I'm not looking at him doing this in relation to Chino XLs death with the side eye too.


Sep 20, 2014
This m80 dude always got shyt going
With that said I'll still never forget what Ras Kass said about M80 so it ain't like I'm not looking at him doing this in relation to Chino XLs death with the side eye too
Y'all are right I can remember SEVERAL OCCURRENCE with this dude moving funny

1) one of the Wu Tang Clan album it was an issue I believe it was the Saga Continues album.

2.)And I can remember it was also an issue with one of the American Poets Compilation album with Holocaust and some others ages ago. C-Rayz Walz (that weirdo) wanted to run a fade because I think he wasn't compensated for his verses to the compilation.

3) Then recently the Five Percenters got on his top behind the wrong depiction of there flag.

4 I do remember that Ras Kass thing too.

5) and then the Pete Rock blasting him.