Candace Owens really believes everything she says

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm willing to admit when I am wrong.

Since this whole Candace Owens phenomenon started, I've co-signed the claim that she's a grifter who just switched stuff up when she saw the chance to hit a lick. But I was reading this ridiculous TLR thread:

Candace Owens Pulled Up on Patrisse Cullors of BLM, Got Patrisse Shook...

and did a little bit more research on Candace Owens's ideas. I came across a better explanation of why she became conservative than I had ever read before and realized for the first time that she really believes everything she says.


1. Owens is extremely prone to conspiracy theories (for example, she doesn't believe the moon landing really happened and thinks Alex Jones is a truth teller)

2. During the GamerGate/SocialAutopsy kerfuffle that radicalized her, she fell victim to her own conspiratorial thinking and created a wild conspiracy theory in her own mind about the (clearly mostly right-wing) hate she was getting, believing without any evidence that the hate against her was coming from the left just because a left-winger had called her to talk earlier in the day. Once right-wingers saw the opening, they took advantage and doubled down, kissing her ass by telling her she was right and feeding her more conspiracies and bullshyt to turn her into a full-on right-winger

3. Since post-2016 far-right thinking relies primarily on conspiracy theories (QAnon, gay agenda, "social marxism", school shootings are false flags to promote gun control, BLM was created by George Soros, election was rigged, plandemic, etc), it is a constant dopamine hit for a conspiracy theorist like her. Plus the lavish attention the right gives her is a huge ego boost she can't break away from.

So yeah, she's not just a grifter. She's just a Alex Jones-level conspiracy theorist whose found a home with the white people who love her. That's my new take and I'm sticking to it.
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Jul 25, 2018
Do you remember Crystal Wright? Aka: Conservative Black Chick?

Conservative blogger and frequent cable news contributor. She was THE proto-Candace Owens. A legit psychopath of a self hating black woman.

A huge part of the right wing media apparatus, especially the "black conservatives" sect. She was the go-to for Fox News or Rush Limbaugh when they needed a lackey to be a mouthpiece for all their hatred of black people.

It was a much simpler time when social media was quieter and conspiracies were less socially acceptable, especially on cable news.

She spouted all the run-of the mill black conservative talking points of the time. That black people are intellectually lazy, don't think for themselves and are being tricked by Democrats with all their social programs and defending civil rights. Black conservatives think for themselves and have stepped off the liberal plantation. Democrats conspire against black people by making us reliant and loyal to them. Things that Candace Owens herself would repeat. shyt we somehow knew was ultra c00ntastic nonsense back in 2010 but apparently caught on in 2022.

But she was every bit as vile and psychotic as Owens in willingly attacking slain black men with conviction.

I'll never forget when she was one of maybe half a dozen daily panelists during the televised Trayvon Martin trials on HLN. She called Trayvon a wannabe thug with a threatening Facebook page who got what he deserved. His parents are stage actors who raised a pot smoking degenerate. They need to "move on," and only want publicity. Zimmerman was a selfless bystander who defended his life from a hoodlum. Look it up on YouTube and try to stomach her trash.

One of our beautiful elder sisters Ms. Shahrazad Ali was also invited on these panels. Pretty much the only true black and empathetic voice they brought on, with Wright being her direct rival. She had to defend herself from frequent insults from Wright and others, often mocking her appearance, speech and sympathy for the Martin family. It was disgusting. She was an absolute bully on some sociopath shyt. There was no remorse.

When Ali finally had it and called Wright an Uncle Tom the whole panel came to a screeching halt. All the panelists were so shocked she called a woman attacking a dead child with no restraint a mean name. Ali was forced to apologize after a commercial break. I had to turn off the TV and take a walk.

Her hate was real. Her absolute contempt for Shahrazad Ali, Martin, his fukking family and all things black and "black pride" was real. Her insults were real. I knew with her that yes, there are "black conservatives" in media who truly want to be separated from us and part of the white conservative movement.

She disappeared into obscurity not long after. Cowboy hat wearing, white pedicured toes fetish having Sheriff David Clarke had next. It's real.

So by the time Candace Owens came around I knew she was the next evolution in a long line of black conservative gawkers who really do want to be leaders in the conservative movement. They do believe black people are scary, loud, naive and ignorant, unlike themselves. They do believe they have a blessed, divine wisdom and moral standard the rest of us do not have, which lead them to becoming Republican. They do believe we cannot accept white people's cultural nobility, success and discipline over our own culture. They do have absolute contempt towards black pride because they really do believe we are a mentally and morally deficient people who naturally gravitate towards mentally and morally deficient liberalism.

They geneuinely believe this and they genuinely reject black pride in favor of white conservatism. They truly in their hurt and traumatized hearts want to be distinguished, admired, and adapted into this culture.

They are the descendants of the house negro who felt safe with the white people's status quo, as a gentle subordinate, and feared any rebellion.

That is what black conservatism is about.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
No. This is just her livelihood. Like most of the other grifters, she found a lane to make money and she ran with it. If she had marketable skills, training and experience she'd be doing something else. But she doesn't, so there she is.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
No. This is just her livelihood. Like most of the other grifters, she found a lane to make money and she ran with it. If she had marketable skills, training and experience she'd be doing something else. But she doesn't, so there she is.

Like I said, I believed that before too. But when I was researching for the other thread, a line of evidence came together that made me question the narrative.

1. I realized how deeply she's into the conspiracy shyt, which doesn't really help her main lane. There was no reason to volunteer that she doesn't believe in the moon landing. There was no reason to pump up Alex Jones at a time when his cred has been in struggle mode. But when you look at her thought process and how she talks through other shyt, it becomes clear that that's really who she is - an extremely conspiratorial thinker who rapidly accepts the validity of conspiracy theories, much like certain posters here. She hasn't broken character on that front in six years.

2. I finally read the exact story of the SocialAutopsy clusterfukk in full detail. Zoe Quinn really did send Candace Owens an email the day of the Kickstarter launch for social autopsy and then they spoke on the phone, with Quinn asking Owens not to go through with it. And it all went downhill from there, with Candace latching onto a bunch of conspiracies about why no one liked her idea.

The Strange Tale of Social Autopsy, the Anti-Harassment Start-up That Descended Into Gamergate Trutherism

That article was written April 16, 2016, just days after the events transpired. That's long BEFORE Candace Owens ever came out as conservative. She was still full-on liberal at that point, posting a liberal blog and trying to push this anti-online bullying platform. But you can see her complete dedication to conspiratorial thinking. She's not making it up, she really believes that shyt.

After that clusterfukk came out, Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich reached out to her, telling her they believed her story 100% and she was indeed the victim of a massive liberal conspiracy to harass her and tarnish her name. (Remember, back in high school she'd been the victim of a racist harassment campaign too, one launched by the mayor's son, so this was a triggerpoint for her and she had extra reason to be sensitive there.) That was her true red pill - not some made-up bullshyt, but she really believed this entire GamerGate conspiracy, and she had these nice, convincing, smooth-talking, charismatic, important guys validating her and telling her that she's a victim and they believe her and oh, guess what young lady, there's MUCH more to it than that and you should hear all these evil things the liberals do!

There's too much there, too quick, too believable, to suggest that it was all some false-flag operation to turn Candace into a conservative hero. It looks like it pretty much went down exactly like it appears to - Candace Owens was a liberal with a conspiratorial mindset who tried to start an anti-bullying campaign, got doxxed by right-wing a$$holes, and unfortunately converted it into a left-wing conspiracy due to a few minor coincidences and her own lack of understanding of the online world.

3. Candace first "came out" publicly as a conservative SIXTEEN MONTHS after the SocialAutopsy blowup. She had maintained almost complete radio silence in the intervening period. There hadn't been the slightest attempt to immediately monetize the public attention that her GamerGate connection had brought her. That suggests that it wasn't a plot, and she didn't approach it lightly - she really spent the next 1.5 years after SocialAutopsy reading a lot and educating herself on becoming a conservative just like she says she did.

4. All the in-depth interviews with Candace, no matter what the interviewer's background, say that she's a completely legitimate true believer. I mean she even married into this shyt already - even if you think she married a conservative white guy to advance her career, do you really think that him and everyone around him is so naïve as to not see that she's a grifter who doesn't believe any of it? That's a little too deep for the con to go.

All the evidence lines up - she really believes this shyt. She's no different than several of the conservative conspiracy-minded posters here, no different than people you probably know in real life. She just has a conspiratorial mindset, had a specific life experience that turned her to the conservative explanations for the conspiracies in her life, and had the right prominent conservatives to give her attention and groom her into the movement.

Claiming that she just "found a lane to make money" doesn't line up with the timeline or any of the evidence. She pushed the SocialAutopsy conspiracy before she was even involved with the conservatives, long before she had found any money lane, and there's literally zero evidence that she's ever been disingenuous about her beliefs or broken character. This is who she is.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This is an excerpt from the NY Mag article about SocialAutopsy. Like I said, this article is from April 2016, this came out almost 1.5 years before Candace ever came out as conservative. Yet you can see how deeply she's engrossed in the conspiracy against her and how fully she believes her own bullshyt. I have a hard time she could be this convincing to her interviewer, this early in the process, when she still had a liberal public image and hadn't even "monetized" her conservatism in any way and wouldn't do so until almost 1.5 years later.

The Strange Tale of Social Autopsy, the Anti-Harassment Start-up That Descended Into Gamergate Trutherism

It all started with an email from Zoe Quinn to Owens the evening of the Kickstarter launch. For the uninitiated, Quinn is the original victim of Gamergate. Her ex-boyfriend Eron Gjoni effectively launched the entire online movement with a lengthy, vindictive blog post he published about her, in August of 2014, leading to a cascade of harassment and death threats that has never fully abated since.

Shortly after Quinn initiated email contact, the two women were on the phone. It didn’t go well. Owens said she found Quinn “pompous” and that she didn’t think Quinn’s concerns, which varied from the potential of children getting doxxed by Social Autopsy to the threat she thought Gamergate posed to Owens herself, were well-founded. Quinn, Owens also told me, said she was calling on behalf of a group of anti-bullying organizations, but wouldn’t say which ones. Things got increasingly heated, and then Quinn broke into tears and said something like “I don’t think you understand — this is going to ruin everything!” Owens said she found it odd and suspicious that Quinn started crying, especially given that she was calling as a representative of various organizations. After they got off the phone, the two had a brief email correspondence which culminated, Owens said, in Quinn asking her not to contact her again. (In a DM conversation, Quinn acknowledged she had teared up, but denied saying anything that Owens could have interpreted as “This is going to ruin everything!” She also denied having claimed to be speaking for anyone other than herself.)

About 45 minutes after Quinn sent her final email, Owens said she started receiving racist hate mail at the main Kickstarter contact email for Social Autopsy, and at her own personal email — the first email she received simply said “****** ****** ******” (Owens is African-American). It soon became a deluge of harassment, some of it violent, with many of the fake email addresses the harassers used containing words like “gaming” or a variation thereof. “I spent an entire night being harassed — I couldn’t even answer the real questions from people that were coming from our Kickstarter campaign,” said Owens. Here are some of the messages she received, which are quite graphic:

By the time I spoke with her on Saturday night, Owens had convinced herself that it was Quinn sending her at least some of those harassing notes. For one thing, she found the fake handles suspicious. Gaming was “an industry and a community that I had, prior to talking to Zoe Quinn, no idea about — they were not on our radar.” It also seemed a little too pat that Quinn had warned her there would be a wave of harassment and then, voilà, there was a wave of harassment, especially given that the Kickstarter had been operating for the better part of a day with nary a critique from haters. I pressed Owens on this: she really thought Quinn sent her the “****** ****** ******” note, and the other over-the-top hateful ones? “She sent or knew who sent them,” she responded. “100 percent undeniable.” The belief seems to hinge almost entirely on the facts that the abusive emails came in after she spoke with Quinn, and that both Quinn and some of the notes mentioned gamers.

Owens said she woke up furious the next day, and saw she had received an email in the personal work account that Quinn had been given, “which to me said ‘red flag, this is Zoe Quinn’” (it should be pointed out that Owens’s work account is not hard to figure out). The email linked to a thread on *****’s /pol/ board, which is notorious for its reactionary politics and offensive trollery, in which users teed off on Social Autopsy and what a bad idea it was. “So don’t say no one warned you,” the author of that email wrote, “but seriously you need to take the time to read the whole thread do not dismiss this, it will only hurt you in the future if you do.” Soon after that, Owens noticed someone had posted about Social Autopsy on Reddit as well, and soon after that that someone had created a fake social-media account on Twitter — “sociaIautopsy” with a capital I instead of an L, to trick people. Owens attributed just about all of this to Quinn and her allies.

Another big piece of evidence Owens highlights as proof of a conspiracy to take down her company is the “Open Letter to Social Autopsy” posted to Medium by a well-known Gamergate critic named Randi Lee Harper. In the letter, Harper, a frequent Gamergate target and anti-harassment advocate herself, tore into Owens for wandering into a situation she didn’t fully understand (Harper noted that at one point Owens referred to Quinn as a Gamergate leader — this is kind of like referring to Obama as a big tea-party activist). Harper didn’t hold back. “I’m telling you my credentials so you can understand where I’m coming from when I tell you, unequivocally, you are a goddamn trainwreck,” she wrote at one point. Later: “You are a fukking idiot.” Then, referring to the fact that Kickstarter suspended funding for Social Autopsy: “You blamed your Kickstarter getting shut down on trolls. You’re wrong. That was us. As long as you’re willfully harming other people by creating shytty uninformed products while kicking the shyt out of anyone that tries to help you, we’re going to keep getting you shut down.”
Owens’s somewhat naive understanding of what constitutes online harassment ended up backfiring on her in some pretty brutal ways. For instance, she got fixated on the word dox, mentioning that Quinn had used it in their tense phone call. “Within a few hours of having spoken to Zoe Quinn and upset her, a board has been started on us on *****.org, an anonymous thread, and they are now telling the gamers that we are going to be doxxing them, doxxing minors,” she told me. “The word dox is being thrown around — had never heard it, people had seen our campaign, we worked on it for two months, people gave us feedback, we had a whole article written in the Connecticut Post on the front page” — and yet, she said, not a single person had used the word dox in the run-up to the Kickstarter launch. “Now we’re seeing the word dox in this chain and immediately in my head I go, Interesting word. Heard that first from Zoe.” So because Quinn had mentioned doxxing and then a bunch of other people had brought it up as well — in the context of a Kickstarter campaign that at the very least strongly hinted that it would be doxxing people by unmasking people and revealing where they work — Owens became convinced that Quinn was behind all the complaints.

This happened over and over. Owens kept mentioning pieces of “evidence” that were just … well, the way things work online. But to her, they could only be a sign of a campaign by Quinn and Harper against her. Owens repeatedly circled back to the sheer volume of anti-Social Autopsy content she’d witnessed, and the timing of it — a firestorm of vitriol that followed the pattern of every Twitter and Reddit pile-on of the last several years, where someone says or does something, there is a brief pause while news of it spreads, and then there’s a sudden explosion. Owens found it suspicious that there had been a lag time between the Kickstarter going up and the harassment wave, and that so many people seemed profoundly upset with her project. “I’m thinking, even if I disagreed with something that was on Kickstarter, the amount of time people are investing should have been an immediate red flag to me,” she said. “No matter what you disagree with, you do not text and post for 24 hours regarding it unless you have a personal investment in it the matter. You don’t — especially if it doesn’t even exist yet. We’re in Kickstarter.” Owens also found it incredibly suspicious that people were tweeting complaints at the FBI and other authorities — which, again, is a common tactic during just about every internet outrage. But to Owens: Why would anyone do that unless they had a very personal interest in stopping Social Autopsy? At another point, she noted that one critic hailed all the way from the U.K.“ What blogger has an interest in this all the way in the United Kingdom, talking trash about us? It makes no sense.”

During our DM chats following our phone conversation, she also kept getting hung up on anonymity — she found it highly suspicious, and indicative of a possible conspiracy, that so many people were bashing her anonymously. “If you don’t use your real name on Twitter why do you have SO many followers?” she asked me at one point. At another, Owens said she was pretty sure one particular account was in on the conspiracy because when she tweeted at them asking them to reveal their real name (only to her), they refused to do so.

Eventually, Owens came to believe that a group of the Twitter accounts tweeting at her were all either controlled by Harper and Quinn directly, or were colluding with them to attack Social Autopsy. I asked her to show me some of the accounts she thought were in on it and she mentioned @iglvzx, or Izzy Galvez — a well-known-within-the-community anti-Gamergate figure who had been tweeted repeatedly about Social Autopsy over the Kickstarter launch. He is only “controlled by” Harper and Quinn in the sense that he tweets a lot about online harassment. This is exactly the sort of thing he’d have a strong opinion about. If you possess some background about Gamergate, Izzy Galvez tweeting about a company like Social Autopsy is as surprising and suspicious as Bernie Sanders saying something negative about big banks.

Pulling all her suspicions together, Owens laid out her full theory. She is convinced, based on a series of escalating misconceptions about how social media works, mixed with a dose of exposure to the Gamergate literature (and some helpful input from the Gamergate supporters who have been following her tweetstorms), that Quinn and Harper are making a lot of money by faking harassment against themselves to boost concern about the issue, and that they were worried Social Autopsy would blow their cover. The funny thing, Owens told me, is that her company’s initial plan was to draw on data from public profiles anyway — so Quinn’s sock puppets would have been safe (again, the Kickstarter’s “mask-lifting” language rendered this point rather fuzzy). But now, she said, she has different plans: She wants Social Autopsy to get more technologically ambitious, and to use it to tear down the entire Quinn/Harper ring of sock-puppet accounts and fake harassment.

Owens seems to have trouble accepting that her idea simply wasn’t well-received by, well, anyone. Only a conspiracy can explain what’s going on.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

It's grifting.

Candace "Juelzing" Owens was invited to speak on White Supremacy at the House, blames black folks

You uncovering a pattern of her exhibiting paranoia doesn't change the fact that she's grifting. Besides the extreme stances/tinfoil hat conspiracy theories you pointed out, she has taken dozens of other stances on issues. You're suggesting that paranoia pattern means that she believes every other public stance. I disagree.
It is her actual job to be Black and promote certain stances and make certain comments.
In the linked story, she was there to testify about a topic among a panel of other people with training and professional experience about the topic. She likely repeated talking points given to her by her handlers. That she neither understood or believed.

She's nothing more than a "professional Negro" in that regard. Promote whatever she is told to promote regardless of her level of comprehension about the issue.


That nikka
May 28, 2012
Tampa Florida
I'm willing to admit when I am wrong.

Since this whole Candace Owens phenomenon started, I've co-signed the claim that she's a grifter who just switched stuff up when she saw the chance to hit a lick. But I was reading this ridiculous TLR thread:

Candace Owens Pulled Up on Patrisse Cullors of BLM, Got Patrisse Shook...

and did a little bit more research on Candace Owens's ideas. I came across a better explanation of why she became conservative than I had ever read before and realized for the first time that she really believes everything she says.


1. Owens is extremely prone to conspiracy theories (for example, she doesn't believe the moon landing really happened and thinks Alex Jones is a truth teller)

2. During the GamerGate/SocialAutopsy kerfuffle that radicalized her, she fell victim to her own conspiratorial thinking and created a wild conspiracy theory in her own mind about the (clearly mostly right-wing) hate she was getting, believing without any evidence that the hate against her was coming from the left just because a left-winger had called her to talk earlier in the day. Once right-wingers saw the opening, they took advantage and doubled down, kissing her ass by telling her she was right and feeding her more conspiracies and bullshyt to turn her into a full-on right-winger

3. Since post-2016 far-right thinking relies primarily on conspiracy theories (QAnon, gay agenda, "social marxism", school shootings are false flags to promote gun control, BLM was created by George Soros, election was rigged, plandemic, etc), it is a constant dopamine hit for a conspiracy theorist like her. Plus the lavish attention the right gives her is a huge ego boost she can't break away from.

So yeah, she's not just a grifter. She's just a Alex Jones-level conspiracy theorist whose found a home with the white people who love her. That's my new take and I'm sticking to it.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

It's grifting.

Candace "Juelzing" Owens was invited to speak on White Supremacy at the House, blames black folks

You uncovering a pattern of her exhibiting paranoia doesn't change the fact that she's grifting. Besides the extreme stances/tinfoil hat conspiracy theories you pointed out, she has taken dozens of other stances on issues. You're suggesting that paranoia pattern means that she believes every other public stance. I disagree.
It is her actual job to be Black and promote certain stances and make certain comments.
In the linked story, she was there to testify about a topic among a panel of other people with training and professional experience about the topic. She likely repeated talking points given to her by her handlers. That she neither understood or believed.

She's nothing more than a "professional Negro" in that regard. Promote whatever she is told to promote regardless of her level of comprehension about the issue.

She lacks the level of understanding to figure out the answers by herself so she just repeats the talking points of the people she trusts. Which doesn't make her any different from the majority of talking heads or even politicians.

Repeating your own side's talking points doesn't mean you don't believe those talking points, for her or for anyone else. As I pointed out already, both the evidence from her own timeline, statements, and behavior as well as the testimony of both friends and foe who have spoken to her at length shows that she really is a true believer.

What evidence do you have otherwise? You've kept repeating your claims that she doesn't believe what she says, but I haven't seen you offer any evidence to support your claims other than that her talking points match those of her fellow believers.


May 19, 2012
the black cat is my crown...
i want to take this topic in a slightly different direction.... what difference does it make if she's a grifter or a true believer....? either way she promotes dangerous ideas that harm black people.... i can't find love in my heart for her either way.... btw, i agree with @jj23... she's both a conservative and a grifter...

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
She lacks the level of understanding to figure out the answers by herself so she just repeats the talking points of the people she trusts. Which doesn't make her any different from the majority of talking heads or even politicians.

Repeating your own side's talking points doesn't mean you don't believe those talking points, for her or for anyone else. As I pointed out already, both the evidence from her own timeline, statements, and behavior as well as the testimony of both friends and foe who have spoken to her at length shows that she really is a true believer.

What evidence do you have otherwise? You've kept repeating your claims that she doesn't believe what she says, but I haven't seen you offer any evidence to support your claims other than that her talking points match those of her fellow believers.

We've both seen how American politics has regressed into what it is today. We both understand what the term "promoting the Party Line" means and what the function of the different levels of pundits are.
We've both seen the tenuous, debunked, and outright false notions promoted by MAGA aligned pundits time after time, even after being verifiably refuted. "2020 Election fraud, jan. 6 terrorists are Patriots who were legally/morally justified" or the 2019 doozy from the linked article above by CO that "white supremacists are only a fringe element who pose no public safety danger, and are only exaggerated by Democrats for votes and to keep Blacks on the plantation"

So, the thread title you chose for this thread, about this woman, much less any MAGA pundit , painted you into a corner.

"Bu but show me evidence she doesn't believe what she says" seems to be seeking an out.
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May 26, 2012
I'm willing to admit when I am wrong.

Since this whole Candace Owens phenomenon started, I've co-signed the claim that she's a grifter who just switched stuff up when she saw the chance to hit a lick. But I was reading this ridiculous TLR thread:

Candace Owens Pulled Up on Patrisse Cullors of BLM, Got Patrisse Shook...

and did a little bit more research on Candace Owens's ideas. I came across a better explanation of why she became conservative than I had ever read before and realized for the first time that she really believes everything she says.


1. Owens is extremely prone to conspiracy theories (for example, she doesn't believe the moon landing really happened and thinks Alex Jones is a truth teller)

2. During the GamerGate/SocialAutopsy kerfuffle that radicalized her, she fell victim to her own conspiratorial thinking and created a wild conspiracy theory in her own mind about the (clearly mostly right-wing) hate she was getting, believing without any evidence that the hate against her was coming from the left just because a left-winger had called her to talk earlier in the day. Once right-wingers saw the opening, they took advantage and doubled down, kissing her ass by telling her she was right and feeding her more conspiracies and bullshyt to turn her into a full-on right-winger

3. Since post-2016 far-right thinking relies primarily on conspiracy theories (QAnon, gay agenda, "social marxism", school shootings are false flags to promote gun control, BLM was created by George Soros, election was rigged, plandemic, etc), it is a constant dopamine hit for a conspiracy theorist like her. Plus the lavish attention the right gives her is a huge ego boost she can't break away from.

So yeah, she's not just a grifter. She's just a Alex Jones-level conspiracy theorist whose found a home with the white people who love her. That's my new take and I'm sticking to it.
And she's a grifter


Dec 4, 2016
I can understand giving her leeway based on whether she is a grifter or a 'true believer'

But, I think @Rhakim is overlooking that irrespective of what she believes, how she actually acts.

Her whole brand is around antagonizing and trying to 'own the libs' for social media engagement. I don't think that her actual beliefs are relevant at this point and so her motives are not worth a deep dive or placation