I'm thinking
Reaper would have survived a lot longer if it was on ABC.
I wasn't a big fan of the
V 2009 series but that shyt was canceled on a very interesting plotline. The main character's team got thrown in the bushes and her son dies after all her efforts to protect him from the Visitors. The bad guys get a huge win and left you wondering how she was going to retaliate

I think it would have hit 2 more seasons on SyFy.
No Ordinary Family would have gone far on CW.
I believe
Jericho would have prospered on CW as well.
should have been on FX
Because of X-Files,
Nowhere Man probably would have had a hard time anyway but I bet it being on UPN probably fukked it over more. At the time I'd say WB would have had it going longer than it did.