Lot's of Fox's shyt would've been better on Fx...Alcatraz...Terminator...Firefly...etc.
I think AD may have fared better on Fx too.
I think AD may have fared better on Fx too.
Young Justice- They were going to eventually bring wally back and introduce darkseid
The Spectacular Spiderman
Wolverine and The X-men
Alphas was on the right network. SYFY just F&cked it up. When they can keep Eureka
i know u not tryna diss eureka
....alphas wasnt fukking with eureka and syfy fukked over that show too
The Hoop Life that used to come on Showtime and Playmakers shouldn't have been canceled. Especially Playmakers but the NFL shut that shyt down with the quickness.
oh ok i feel yaNo , I wasnt dissing Eureka .. I loved that show... I was just saying SYFY went from producing their own quality shows to just saying f it and letting their owns shows rot and paying for syndication (although Lost Girl and Continuum are piff) ... I have a feeling Warehose 13 and Haven might be done after this season...
oh ok i feel ya....syfy always fuks up when it comes to shows for sum reason.....it was hard to forgive them after they cancelled the dresden files but eureka was still on so i let it slide, and then new management took over and cancelled eureka and i washed my hands of them
them b movies a good for a laugh or twoDamn the Dresden Files ... That had mad potential... why they gave it only one season is beyond me. SciFi had potential to be a good channel. I used to be a Sci-Fi TV head .... but SYFY is just #Trash ...
Any series on fox that got one season or barely a season![]()
came in here to say this.
still miss this show, season 2 was so solid. signed petitions and everything but it never came back brehs
still cant believe they kept trash like enlightened over it.
True Calling was good as well. That would have worked well on SciFi.I was a fan of Pushing Daises.
Yeah but I don't even really remember them having a whole lot of actual basketball scenes anyway. It was the characters and their stories that had me hooked.I remember the Hoop Life...the young bul fresh-out-HS-straight-to-league..My only problem with that was you can't fake horrible basketball, and it was horrible on that show lol Bubba Gump being a former star? EHHHH
The Lost Room - it was only a mini-series on Sci-fi, but it was good and had hella potential as to where they could've went with it. It shuld've been picked up, probably great on a network if not USA