Doing some editorial style videos and just dropped one on Canadian TV being white as fukk. For my next video I'm either going to drop knowledge on these Boogaloo motherfukkers, or do a Kaep Vs. Ray Ciccerali video. Let me know what y'all think...
I’ve watched the Blue Jays win the World Series. Twice. The Raptors win the NBA championships. Once. I grew up on Mr. Dressup, Breakfast Television and CP24. I cheered Brett Hitman Hart as kid. Went to Wrestlemania 18 here in Toronto. I’ve watched Drake become the worlds number one rapper, while The Weekend racks up hit after hit himself. I’ve spent countless hours in front of a television set, digesting image after image of whatever was thrown in my direction. As I grew, my tastes n television changed, but one thing I noticed was that on Canadian TV, black people are almost none existent. We’re often background actors at best. Barely ever given the lead or any significant roles. And in a country like Canada, a country that prides itself on being such a multicultural phenom, how is that possible?
The best way I can describe Canadian TV is boring. It’s flat. It’s lifeless and bland. It’s white rice without anything to spice it up. So why am I so upset that I can hardly remember any Canadian tv shows that had characters that looked like me, my father, or my relatives? Because if I let Canadian television tell it, I don’t exist. And If I do, it’s as a bit character, relegated to pity story, used as a plot device to showcase diversity. It’s total bullshyt. And as much as some person in the middle of PEI would love the 20th iteration of Anne Of Green Gables, there are countless people just like myself who want to see themselves represented on Canadian tv.
Currently there is one Canadian network show with a black Canadian lead. DIggstown. I can’t tell you how many other shows are in production at this very moment, but the fact only one Canadian show currently exists with a black lead actor/actress is kid of disgusting. But it does highlight one often overlooked fact about Canada and more specifically Canadian media, minority voices are silenced. We have to scream, often at the top of our lungs, to be heard.
A quick Google search of Black Canadian Tv shows brings up a total of 8 shows. Toss in HBO’s 2009 show the Line, which lasted all of one season, and you have 9. Of those 9 shows, 2 are centred around Hip Hop, CBC’s Drop the Beat, and HBO’s Hip Hop Evolution. Both of which are great pieces of work, the later possibly being the greatest on going Hip Hop documentary created to date. However none of those shows reflect the life of a black Canadian family in todays modern world…
Now if you let any of the national or local news broadcasts tell it, you would think Canadian tv is full of shows geared towards minorities. Our news broadcasts are. For years our nightly news broadcasts has showcased anchors, sports guys and jolly weathermen of all races. CP24 and city news would roll out there red carpets and sent their staff to cover events like Caribana, all the while revelling with the other party goers. CP24’s current weatherman, Brandon Gomez is often heard speaking with his accent.
So how is it that in a country like Canada, black people are so poorly represented on our television screens? Who is Canada to wag it’s finger at America while barley telling the stories of it’s own? How are we a bastion of anti-racism when our media seems to go to lengths to hide people of colour? What gives Canada? We need to do bette. Oh, and don’t forget about the people behind the camera either…
Special shout out to
Why Is Canadian Television So White?
Why Is Canadian Television So White?
Victoria Ahearn
Canadian TV has 'a lot of work to do' on diversity, say ACTRA co-chairs
Canadian TV has 'a lot of work to do' on diversity, say ACTRA co-chairs
I’ve watched the Blue Jays win the World Series. Twice. The Raptors win the NBA championships. Once. I grew up on Mr. Dressup, Breakfast Television and CP24. I cheered Brett Hitman Hart as kid. Went to Wrestlemania 18 here in Toronto. I’ve watched Drake become the worlds number one rapper, while The Weekend racks up hit after hit himself. I’ve spent countless hours in front of a television set, digesting image after image of whatever was thrown in my direction. As I grew, my tastes n television changed, but one thing I noticed was that on Canadian TV, black people are almost none existent. We’re often background actors at best. Barely ever given the lead or any significant roles. And in a country like Canada, a country that prides itself on being such a multicultural phenom, how is that possible?
The best way I can describe Canadian TV is boring. It’s flat. It’s lifeless and bland. It’s white rice without anything to spice it up. So why am I so upset that I can hardly remember any Canadian tv shows that had characters that looked like me, my father, or my relatives? Because if I let Canadian television tell it, I don’t exist. And If I do, it’s as a bit character, relegated to pity story, used as a plot device to showcase diversity. It’s total bullshyt. And as much as some person in the middle of PEI would love the 20th iteration of Anne Of Green Gables, there are countless people just like myself who want to see themselves represented on Canadian tv.
Currently there is one Canadian network show with a black Canadian lead. DIggstown. I can’t tell you how many other shows are in production at this very moment, but the fact only one Canadian show currently exists with a black lead actor/actress is kid of disgusting. But it does highlight one often overlooked fact about Canada and more specifically Canadian media, minority voices are silenced. We have to scream, often at the top of our lungs, to be heard.
A quick Google search of Black Canadian Tv shows brings up a total of 8 shows. Toss in HBO’s 2009 show the Line, which lasted all of one season, and you have 9. Of those 9 shows, 2 are centred around Hip Hop, CBC’s Drop the Beat, and HBO’s Hip Hop Evolution. Both of which are great pieces of work, the later possibly being the greatest on going Hip Hop documentary created to date. However none of those shows reflect the life of a black Canadian family in todays modern world…
Now if you let any of the national or local news broadcasts tell it, you would think Canadian tv is full of shows geared towards minorities. Our news broadcasts are. For years our nightly news broadcasts has showcased anchors, sports guys and jolly weathermen of all races. CP24 and city news would roll out there red carpets and sent their staff to cover events like Caribana, all the while revelling with the other party goers. CP24’s current weatherman, Brandon Gomez is often heard speaking with his accent.
So how is it that in a country like Canada, black people are so poorly represented on our television screens? Who is Canada to wag it’s finger at America while barley telling the stories of it’s own? How are we a bastion of anti-racism when our media seems to go to lengths to hide people of colour? What gives Canada? We need to do bette. Oh, and don’t forget about the people behind the camera either…
Special shout out to
Why Is Canadian Television So White?
Why Is Canadian Television So White?
Victoria Ahearn
Canadian TV has 'a lot of work to do' on diversity, say ACTRA co-chairs
Canadian TV has 'a lot of work to do' on diversity, say ACTRA co-chairs