Dry off your system in a bowl of rice
so you can just go back to the crib and redownload it?You'll have to take your system in so they can transfer it off if it's a PS3, or just take in the hard drive from the X-Box
first what you have to do is write Sony a 100 page essay explaining why you don't want the rights to access your digital content anymore and explaining to them that you have a buyer that wants to purchase them.
from there the review board will read your letter (it better be good too) and if approved within a few years they will mail you a code that you can sell to someone else. when the next person enters the code on their PSN your access to the content is removed and they gain access to it.
take that code to Gamestop and explain to them that you have a used game you'd like to sell them. keep in mind if your essay is shyt you'll never hear back from Sony.
i'm just as serious as you are.
sell the code on eBay. never trade anything into Gamestop. you get pennies on the dollar. some of the codes games come with are worth $15+ on eBay.
so you can just go back to the crib and redownload it?