- 8ball Investments™ CEO -
My friend, regarding your post involving the car accident; might I provide some insight on those of us who think that way?
We as Christians put our faith in Christ Jesus. However, my friend, we do know that this world is a wicked place and is overcome with sin and misery and this misery can strike any person at any time.
If thou profess Christ as thy Lord and thou is involved in some terrible vehicular accident and remaineth unscarred and unblemished, thy shall give the Lord thanks.
Why doeth such a foolish thing thou asketh? Because, beloved, we look to focus our minds on the good things and not the bad. Instead of fretting on the ruined car that is easily replaced, we rejoice and praise the Lord for showing mercy and sparring our being for our lives, unlike the car, are not so easily replaced, my friend. May God bless you and that car in the picture.
But in retrospect that makes u food for the other side until "god says he's ready".
The purpose of his Words and Ideas is to throw you in a blissful ignorance as food among Sharks