can you be extremely militant and like hardcore interracial porn?(:update, c00n finally shows up)


May 15, 2014
It's not about marriage.It's about fukking..I've known niccaz who were ultra pro black.

To the point where they had an sadistic sexual attraction towards white women.

There was no love or care involved.They just got off on dogging a white woman

out & having her subject to submission.Beyond that, she was totally disposable.

That's the difference between the innate nature of men & women.Men are normally

the head.The woman usually submits to the ideology of her man.I think that's why it's

easier for black men to sorta "compartmentalize" their pro blackness.Some white women

play groupie for niccaz like that.It exudes power & direction, so they come sniffing around.

Some get turned into lap dogs & get fukked.Again, I'm quite sure Huey was shoving meat in

Jane Fonda.I don't hold it against niccaz for pounding out disposable puzzy.No matter what

the color.It's a helluva stress reliever :yeshrug:

Some of what you say is true. Some of the most staunch racist anti black white folks over the history of america have had black women as concubines and side chicks.

Men are just wired differently they can literally hate a woman and still won't think twice of fukking her. Women ain't wired like that.