Tres Leches
Empire Business
with one week left so many people without a match @ summerslam..shield,sheamus,rvd,ryback,mark henry and rko
great job booking the undercard cokeboy 

Yeah it was that one Raw in Jersey after Mania right?Man, remember when Dolph was insanely over? That seems like a long time ago.
Grandy cashing in for the title, that will sell out arenas and stadiums worldwide.
They all gonna be thrown together and split up in: random pre-show match, summertime battle royale and... (as Teddy Long) ... MULTY TAG TEAM MATCH PLAYAS!with one week left so many people without a match @ summerslam..shield,sheamus,rvd,ryback,mark henry and rkogreat job booking the undercard cokeboy
I think it's been great.
The fact that Vince cares so much about Bryan in ANYWAY makes him important. I mean how many times does Vince even talk to talent on air in the ring?
Can't even front like I don't walk to the fountain doing the bop after deadlifts either.
Wtf kofi back black hippy mmmmmmmmmm main event push coming