Because it's completely unnecessary. The basic thing that you want to do with Bryan (set him up against the WWE machine) can be done without McMahon because Cena is just as representative of that machine at this point. Involving Vince (who was one of the greatest heels ever 15 years ago) is superfluous and unneeded. At best, it's adding real life subtext simply for the sake of adding subtext (and, of course, getting the McMahons more screentime in storylines that should be about wrestling).
You don't need any of this extra garbage, that's all. How is any of this truly NECESSARY?
You can't do that because Cena is a face and is still gonna be one. Say they go DB vs Cena/WWE know what happens next? Juanito going Dusty Rhodes on us and cutting a preacher promo about how he loves the business, loves the fans and blah blah blah.
You get nowhere with that.
D-Bry vs Vince gives Bryan's character more depth and a real foe.
You acting like the only thing he's done is arguing with Vince. This is only the second segment with him and his main focus is still the WWE Title and beating Cena.
All that complaining makes it seem as if they are ruining something when the fact is there's not a lot they can ruin and actually they haven't ruined anything. Cena vs Bryan is still gonna be an amazing match so a little depth ain't gonna do much damage