Yall not buckeye status (thank god) but youre definitely on SPARTAN fan status...cougarfan goes HARD....and yall styled on huskiefan this year, half my office wasstatus, the other half was
status. It was lovely?
Pac ten loyalty staus ive seen in person goes:
1. Duckfan (though their too-cool-for-school aura is fukking annoying...i enjoyed them choking again)
2. Cougarfan (YOUNG cougarfan goes hard)
3. Huskyfan (OLD huskyfan goes hard)
4. Beaverfan (that oregon shadow is huge)
I have never seen trojanfan in stadium
I exaggerated cuz i'm biased.

What happened to my Somali breh Faisal Aden, where is he these days? Waswhen he blew out his knee same week he was playing his best ball.
Damn, him and Klay were beasting it during their run together.
Tore his acl last season and that was that (happened his senior year, don't know if he walked or is still on campus. Since he was a comm. college transfer, could have stayed for 3rd year easy.
Doesn't look like he's on the roster so he's done with hoops it seems.

Sad cuz he had a bright future.