"Half-Jew c*nt" isn't anti-semetic? Maybe not in denotation, but in connotation, probably.
If Sarah Silverman tweeted "Love to that half-black b*stard Drake, Views is on repeat" you'd be fine with that? Somebody in here wouldn't use that as an example of her being "racist"?
I mean, if you would be cool with that, that's cool, but I'm just saying.
I'm not in here defending or persecuting anyone (poster or Sarah Sliverman), and my post isn't entirely about this thread, it's just something that permeates this forum (certain sections more than others).
I've likened this place to a Black st0rmfr0nt before, and I stand by that, because it feels like certain peoples way of combating and battling perceived and true disenfranchisement is to be equally as vitriolic in the opposite direction, which makes no sense.
I'm not one for censorship in either direction, I just find it funny that in the same thread where people are mad at a "minstrel cramps" joke, the person who made that joke is called a "kike" and a "half-Jew c*nt".
With that being said (and probably not being read lol), I'm back to lurkin'.