The biggest problem with marriage is the idea that people think that u MUST get married. There is this certain level of social pressure associated with getting married. I personally don't think that marriage validates a person.some people get married for all the wrong reasons (maybe they had a kid unexpectedly,or they have been together for a long time and figure they might as well do it, or I kno of cases where a guy pops the question on a chick in front of their family and the chick just felt obligated to say yes) I think that marriage isn't for everybody, obviosly because men and wemon cheat like crazy when married. So many people regret getting married. They fall out of love with their spouse and become disinterested. My point is that people shouldn't get too caught up on some fairy tale marriage idea, because for the most part that is not the case. When dudes are payin millions in alimony and the wife takes half and they are sittin in court, nikkaz ask themselves "why the hell did I marry this broad"